Currently working a casual job counting computers and putting stickers on them to say they've been counted. Amusing to see
kitling again. She hasn't really twigged to who I am though, which is probably for the best. Currently posting from
terminal_entrys desk; don't have any space of my own.
Was listening to a podcast that mentioned twitter microblogging - probably what's motivated me to vomit some shit into mine after all this time.
While Melbourne Uni is selling itself by suggesting people "Dream Large" I've found my daydreams getting much smaller. Where I would once dream about having the money to buy penthouses, sportscars or nifty gadgets I now find myself dreaming about having the money to fix the slow puncture on my car, resole my sneakers or pay for a shopping trolley packed full of groceries.
It was about this time last year I had my last IT contracting job with JAV. I got a rave review from my on-site employer, who even offered me a personal reference once the job was over. He told JAV that they could easily charge two to three times more for my time, and it'd be worth it. JAV haven't called me since. I've kind of given-up on them.
It was on that job that I last saw
aeduna as he cycled past the bus stop. /me waves. A few days later I met
Miss_Rynn at the last conference I'll probably ever go to.
Bit odd today - its taking a great effort to make facial expressions.
Got an interesting SMS a while back;
"Hey guys. Yes, we are on tonight for dark heresy stuff. I'll swing by sometime around 7ish..."
For a few moments I got excited that an on-again-off-again campaign might be starting-up again, but then I realised that neither the campaign nor the system was called dark heresies. The number wasn't in my phone so I replied with;
"Sounds great. Who the hell are you?"
They never got back to me. Probably just an echo from a parallel world where I used to live.
I met a german engineering student yesterday that reminded me more than a little of
z3nmaster. Was kind of bizarre.
Not the first time I've worked here as a casual. The first time around I was leaving year 12 and was working casual for minimum wage. During that stint a young academic returned to the university from an overseas postdoc. Then I left to do a degree, PhD, overseas postdoc, and a disastrous local postdoc. Now he's the head of department and I'm back to working as a casual for minimum wage.
Oh well. Lets take this planet once more around the sun.