Background Request Form:
*email address**screen resolution* i really dont know.
*images* i would like the picture to be on the left side of my journal and my text to be on the right side.
i would also like for my text to be written inside of big thick dashes. - - - - thats my sorry example. i hope you get what i mean. and i would like my font to be Black 9pt Trebuchet MS.
i would like for my journal to say in pretty font wherever you think it looks nicest :
i'm a real life tinkerbell, radiating love and light, dreaming in Technicolor, dressed in wings of gauze and glitter, writing poetry to keep away the darkness that surrounds me.
*effects*i would like my journal to go blurry whenever it leads u to another page.
oh and can you please change my "comments" to something really cute ?
thank you thank you thank you.
sorry, i had a really cute layout and i wanted to try one small thing and ended up deleting the entire thing. i am so sad.