Log Ten

Feb 10, 2010 07:09

[the following is written very slowly and laboriously; the writing is - surprise!  actually a bit neater and more deliberate than is usual, which is a large part of why it seems so calm.  But each short stretch of words is curved, ends pointing down - Rogue's actually having to sort of crouch or kneel on the page and brace the shaft of the pen between head and shoulder, grasping near the tip with both hands, and has to start facing left, end facing right, and stand up to take a few steps right and start the next few words.  He looks like this.]

I woke up different.     Again.

Am very small, and     now have four wings.   Transparent, veined.     Should not be     able to fly - not     conventionally    aerodynamic, by     fixed-wing standards.

- can fly.    Can fly very well.    Wings beat approx     30 x per second.     They're very flexible.    Semirotary, even.    The dynamic stall?    Has to be that.    Vortex shedding,    fluid dynamics...      would draw/calculate, but      small, writing is difficult.

It's very interesting     but also inconvenient.      Small.     Flying is loud; flight     muscles vibrate, buzz.     Apparently glowing.   Anyone else?

Can't ride Windmere,      can't move buckets,       can't work till this     is over, sorry Bridge.     I'm useless like this.       Only good thing about      this is flying well.


kriffing pens, what the kriff am i, flying is awesome, quicklog, somehow this is janson's fault

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