[All that practice Rogue's been putting into writing on paper? Gone. Have a horrifying scrawl made of jagged letters, all connected, not on the same level plane, slanting first one way and then the other, and cramping up here, spacing out there. There are dark reddish smudges under the ink, too. ...He's sixteen, the muscle memory is gone, and he's not all that patient. Impulse control is pretty well shot, too. Past the point when I made the journal, replies will be made with
wtk_is_wedge ]
So I lost twenty years overnight.
Sithspit. I look so... serious. And my hair is so long, I think I'm going to have to tie it back. Yeah. It's getting tied back right now.
I don't think I'll cut it off just yet, though. Looks good. I'd be just ace if I didn't look like someone just shot the sky out from over me.
But the gloves don't fit right now, so - whoever left the can of red paint out, thanks. Better than kriffing lavender. Looks good. Really dramatic, but you know, that's not a bad thing.
Other than that, I'm good. So if someone needs something, I can probably get it.
- Rogue or Roat or whoever the kriff I am.