Nov 01, 2006 13:10
I went to the library today to get a library card. Do you remember when you got your first library card? Weren’t you excited to sign the back with your name? I remember taking a long time before I signed my name. I practiced and practiced. I wanted it to look perfect. I can still remember what the card looked like and how I signed my name.
When I was getting my card, they swiped the barcode with something that I haven’t seen in probably 10 or more years. It was a metal wand, that is held like a pencil, with a red light shooting out of the tip. Seeing it instantly brought back the memory of my elementary school library, and the librarian there, Mrs. Nitchski. I’m sure that’s not how you spell it, it took all I had to learn how to pronounce it! I remember days when she would let us help her, and we would get to grab a hold of the magic metal wand, and swipe it across the barcodes. Trying again and again to get just the right speed and pressure to make it register. Man those things were cool. How awesome it is to have such a fun memory return, just with a simple trip to the library.