(This is draft #2 of this post. Hate Internet Explorer.)
Though I've been freaking out about my Group Dynamics course over the past few days, I finally had an epiphany, or a moment of zen, or whatever. Yes, I'm grouped with a bunch of lazy mouthbreathers who don't seem to have any interest in getting a good grade, but that doesn't mean I have to let it bring me down. Only part of my performance in class is dependent on them, so I'll just focus on the individual aspects and muddle through the group stuff. Sort of like in the workplace.
I had another Algebra dream last night. Not a nightmare this time, but rather a dream in which I seemed to understand math as a language. Like, action A leads to reaction B, and combining action C with action D results in effect E or whatever. There was a strange sort of clarity to it all, but all but the barest details had faded by the time my morning shower was over.
Tonight is Final Friday at the
Pendleton Art Center. I suggested it to Joe, but he's still getting over his cold, so it might not be a great idea for this month. There's always December.