Jan 05, 2006 00:00
Until this week, I didn't really comprehend how much of 2005 I spent living in various MMOs. These past few days have alternately crawled and flown by, with no real warning when the passage of time will change. When I'm awake, everything moves at a snail's pace. There is nothing on TV that I feel like watching, and the places I frequent on the internet have been somewhat dead since Christmas. I feel like I have to work at keeping busy, even though I have a long list of things I need to do.
A few months ago I accidentally deleted my entire music collection, and wasn't able to retrieve it. So I've had to lug everything out of storage and rip them all one by one back into iTunes. I've been at this for nearly three days now, and I don't even feel half done. I shouldn't complain, of course, since I can think of at least a dozen albums that I'd like to buy right now. I am really looking forward to being able to put all of these jewel cases away for good. Or at least for a long time. Ugh.
On the other hand, I don't have nearly enough books. A long time ago I developed this issue with library books. While I don't mind borrowing a book from a friend for a few days, I do not enjoy borrowing library books. It's a combination of the thought of countless others having handled them previously, and the fact that I really prefer to own something that I'm reading. It's why I rarely borrow from friends anyway.
There is also the issue of hardcover vs. paperback to consider. I know that a lot of people prefer a paperback, so that they can read it while on the way to work, or while at the beach, but I'm not one of those people. I enjoy the feel of a solid hardback book in my hands, and besides, I get motion sick really easily, so reading while in transit simply isn't an option. So I have a fair number of books, but nothing to really be excited about. I guess that's one of the things I'm looking forward to about the next year. I get to buy at least 60 new books for myself.
In addition to boredom, I've had to contend with serious restlessness. I haven't been getting much sleep (maybe it's all this coffee), and even when I do, it's short, and not very enjoyable. God, what did I do before I owned a computer? I can't even remember.