lonely nd "ho"less

Feb 11, 2006 10:59

yeah, it's funny how i write so sporadically... hehe i think i usually only write about probs or funny stories, but that's the juicy stuff ppl like 2 read... i mean u wudn't be reading my entries if i just wrote everyday about my life's daily events. lol THAT wud b boring, 4 the most part. Neways, last nite was crazy- mis padres y yo went 2 this restaurant called "bombay sizzler" where we glance 2 the right n long behold mr. hasib nasirullah & his mother r there!!! lol that was a pretty funny coinkidink (sp?) hehe, we ended up eating 2gether where r parents exchanged embarassing stories of us when we were kids. Lovely, really. Neways, yeah so 2nite is bowling n dinner n wutnot so i've got some plans, but i dunno y i still feel lonely- the kind of lonely that no1 can fix- i dunno maybe im just jealous of every1 who has some1 special 2 share their valentines w/... or maybe i'm just crazy nd i need the advice of (copyright kirby) some "ho's." I really hope there's someone out there who likes me... nd I hope i find him soon. Maybe he could help me deal with my problems (courtesy of the parentals) and make me feel HAPPY, not the kind of temporary high u get from chocolate, but a long-term kind of ecstasy u noe... lol Gio started telling me stories about him n his ex, which kinda subsided these feelings cuz it just proves how basically every relationship has its flaws, but u just hav 2 c past that... Maybe I don't need a male companionship, i only need mis amigos....

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