Oct 29, 2006 08:55
SO yeah.... friday's game was AMAZING! We played against Alonso and lost as usual (I think, I wasn't there for the whole game). Come half-time, it started raining... then, when we started playing, it started pouring as if the rain was giving us an encore :P... when we got off the field, it stopped pouring, but was still raining... when we did our visual in the last song, since we got new hats and water likes to stay on easily, when we bent down, the water just went all down simultaneously... it was cool! Then, Alonso did their show, which was amazing! XD They did Lion King and had some pretty cool visuals. After half-time, we went straight to the buses and didn't get to have a third quarter break which kinda sucks because I owed someone in the Alonso band money that I brought with me. We went back to school and, since our instruments were wet (not good for woodwinds >.<), we had an instrument drying party lol.. Watson ordered pizza for all of us XD I didn't eat much pizza because we went to Applebee's after. We ordered the same thing as always.. our waitor, RJ, is always our waitor and remembers what we want all the time XD... btw Applebee's is in desperate need of waitresses and anyone who's over 18 could work there pretty much.. he asked me and Brittany, but since I'm 17 I couldn't so Brittany didn't either. Then, we went home and slept :P My last game overall was probably the best game I've had this year. I'm glad :D I cried when I went back to school with my section and they were all, hug hug hug, XD I love my section and I will miss it dearly, they made me proud.
Saturday, I woke up early, took a shower, and cleaned my room while Brittany was still asleep or playing WoW... I tried filling out the UCF application, but I need for my guidance counselor to fill something out so I couldn't finish it. :/ When we were all ready, we went to Orlando... I called Miguel, but he couldn't come because his parents are anal ;-; he was the main purpose I decided to take the trip.. because he wanted to go so badly. Oh well, there's always next time :D if I could convince his parents. When we went there, we stopped by Dunkin Donuts to get Brittany something to eat because she had a headache, and that's where she wanted to go lol... I didn't have anything. We stopped by Auburndale (which I keep calling Auburdine XD damn that WoW :P) to go to the bathroom and get something to eat. I got me a NutriGrain bar :D it was yummy, it made me go want to have lots and lots of babies! XD (not really) Then, we went to UCF. Chris and I kept texting eachother. When I got there, I went to the reflection pond/pool/fountain/thingy by the library and Chris sends me a text saying he's at the Student Union. So I text him back saying I'm in front of the library. So I go to the Student Union and get a text from Chris saying that he's at the library now @______@ and we were now at the Student Union lol. Well, he just told me to stay there, so we stayed there. We all went to Oni's dorm and met his roommate, who seemed pretty cool. We all looked for a mall in the area that wasn't all the way on I-4. We found one, and turns out I was there a few years ago with some of my old friends. I bought Tori and Victoria a birthday present there. At the food court, we were getting hungry so we told Chris to make a decision because both Brittany and I were very indicisive (sp?) people. So we decided to order pizza instead :P so we tried to beat the pizza guy to the dorm and we made it just in time... when we were walking to the dorm, the guy was walking right behind us lol. So when we got in and ate the pizza on chemical water cleaned plates :D, Brittany and I both ate a piece and we had to get going. On the way back, the sun was setting and it was right in my eyes... we almost missed the exit from 408 to I4. The sun is GAY! >.< but we still managed to get back ok... after Orlando, we went to Clearwater. We didn't stay too long because there weren't many people there except Brian. It was too windy to spin fire, so we didn't. On the way back to BGL from the beach, there was a drunk old guy following us trying to get our attention, but we refused to look back at him and just walked a little faster. After playing DDR and ITG, we went home. I played some more WoW... like 5 min though because I had to wash the dog. My aunt was coming down from Russia her first time at midnight so she's here now. I still haven't seen her because I went to bed early and haven't come out of my room yet today :P
Anyway work today. My friend quit Publix... makes me sad, otherwise, he'd be working today too :/ Brittany is staying until 11. I'm there until 10:30 since I'm still a minor.
Overall, good weekend :D