phantomsangel48 1. Reply to this post and I will pick five of your icons
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose if you damn well feel like it.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
The icons chosen by
phantomsangel48 and the stories behind them.
This one was made by the loverly and quirky
lostwiginity after that infamous clip was released on Yahoo! It's creative, it was a fun scene, and it's just fun to look at ^_^
The telling form of Snape's Patronus. I've always loved Snape; when his entire backstory was revealed in Deathly Hallows, I loved him even more. I might use this one when I'm feeling particularly sentimental or making a comment of similar nature. Come to think of it, I really don't use this one much, but I just don't have the heart to bring myself to remove it from my userpics. Go figure!
Heh. This one was made specifically, (though obviously not limited to) for use on the community
ugly_icons . Now, I hope I don't come across as elitist, and I certainly wouldn't consider myself the best icon-maker in the world, but there are some real doozies out there! Who knew there was a whole community dedicated to such? It's amusing at the best of times, and slightly frightening at the worst, but I thought Dom's expression here was an appropriate reaction to a lot of the gems you'll find in that community. I think the picture is from an event or awards show, and I can't help but wonder what he was really doing here!
The excruciatingly handsome model in this icon is my very own Sawyer, of course. I wanted an icon with him in it, and I was also practicing different methods of coloring, text, and brushes/textures. I like the crop I ended up choosing, and if there was one word I'd use to describe Sawyer, it'd most definitely be 'Personality', because he's absolutely full of it.
There was a small rush of B/E manips flooding into different communities, so I had to jump on the bandwagon and give it a try. On one hand, I wish I could have done a bit better with the shading so it wouldn't look so obviously manipulated, but on the other, I really don't mess with manips that much and I was rather proud of how this one came out. Plus, it's damn cute and works really well as an icon! This is the original picture -
Really makes me want to get back to ficcing, to be honest . . .
Ok, your turn!