(no subject)

Sep 28, 2007 22:54

For those of you who upgraded your LJ's, is it really worth it? I find myself longing just a bit for the nicer layouts and more userpics.

Anywho, I contacted Strongblade.com, who showed pictures of a very lovely Barbossa sword, and asked them if it was MR. this is their speedy reply:


Thanks for yourr interest in Strongblade.com. Master Replicas is actually the only company with a license on the Hector Barbossa sword. The one we carry actually is the one from Master Replicas. The image they sent us is a prototype image, so it looks a little different than the sword actually does. Apologies if you were disappointed with their sword. We wish we could make our own, but they beat us to the license.

Best Regards,
  Strongblade Customer Service

Shame that, innit? Oh well, live and learn I suppose. I can at least say that I have one of the limited edition thingamabobs, but I can't help feeling that when it comes to fandom and collecting, PotC kind of got the short end of the stick.

I guess that pretty much brings my collecting of PotC stuff to an end then, as I can't think of anything else I would like, with the sole exception of the cannon poster. Words cannot tell you how badly I want a poster of him. This is going to sound weird, but at the risk of making my fellow Rushies throw smelly and unpleasant things at me, I know one can get the CotBP poster, but for some reason, he just looks very odd in that one.

It irks me quite badly that there are a frillion Spiderman three posters to be had (It isn't going to make up for the suckage of that movie, merchandising people!), and twice as many for friggin' High School Musical (A painful death for whomever is responsible for the gross over-marketing of this bubble gum-ish tripe) And the only ones for pirates are smattered with the Trio. I know that's a Harry Potter term, but I think it safely applies to this fandom as well, seeing as how many people are often drawn to the 'minor' characters like Barbs, Norri, Beckett, etc,  but the trio gets all the attention from the media.

On a brighter note, however, it is AUTUMN! I adore this season, even if we see very little of it here in Florida. There's just something about autumn and winter that puts me in a different mood than when it's all hot and sticky and miserable. Something odd that I have noticed today, is that my mood can only be described as (ready for this?) Barbossabeth. That's right, apparently ships can double as moods now. I find myself working on my epilogue for Fateful Irony, and that my old gift for inner dialogue seems to be coming back to me. I've also been playing in Paint Shop Pro with them again. Maybe it's because I started my first fic back in late August and that's when I got so heavily involved with the good ship Barbossabeth.

A banner, huzzah. This one may be in need of a caption, methinks, but I quite frankly suck at those so I just left it blank. Open for suggestions of course, if anyone has anything that they would like it to say.

And a little icon that I knocked together, because you simply can NOT do enough with this picture of the two of them. I adore it.

And teh plot bunnies attack!

And just because this made me laugh today, I give you a sample from icanhascheezburger.com.

swords, icons, banners, lolcat, barbossabeth

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