Feb 12, 2011 23:51
Thanks to those of you who sent the kind birthday wishes! It's been a good day, I honestly have to say. Weird, but good. The parents took me out for pizza last night after work, and everyone in the pharmacy signed a card and got me a gift card. And by the way, I'm starting to have SO much love for the mixed nuts that is my pharmacy crew that it's ridiculous. What a diverse and awesome group of people.
I saw Kenny on my way to lunch and he stopped to tell me how sorry he was that he couldn't go with me because our hours were so different, so I made plans to go with him at 5 today when he got off. Then he sent me a message that night saying something came up but that I could meet him at noon on his lunch hour. Then another message early in the morning saying to call and let him know. I'd suspected at first that he was trying to back out on me but it's not like him to message like that so I figured he genuinely wanted to see me and texted him to let him know I'd be there. (Ick, I've finally joined the world of texters after years of resisting. I dunno whether to be happy or feel unclean). High priority message comes bouncing back to me half a minute later. Damn, ok then. Got to the store . . . omg Wal-Mart on Saturday, DO NOT WANT and couldn't find him; looked all through produce, through the doors to the back, and even went to see if he was by the time clock. I ended up having to ask Carl, one of his coworkers where he was, which in all honesty I was really hoping to avoid, LOL.
Me: "Hey Carl, have you seen Kenny?"
C: "Yes."
Me: "Oh ok, so he's here?"
C: "Yes."
You're really being more than less than unhelpful here, Carl, and I think you know it.
Finally . . . "He's in the bakery. You want me to go get him?"
Me: "Just let him know I'm here, thanks!"
C: "Okay. . . . What's your name?"
Either our friend Mr. Carl is really enjoying being more than less than unhelpful, or he genuinely can't remember my name unless I'm wearing it. So then he walks over to the bakery where I finally spot Kenny and try to tell Carl never mind, but he chooses to keep on going and then scream at him over the counter.
"HEY! HEY Pretty Boy Kenny! Grace is here to see you."
OMFG Carl. Yeah, was hoping to avoid drawing anyone's attention, but . . . well thanks for getting him anyways. O_o
Lunch was just lunch like it always is with us, nothing special like marriage proposals or anything, but the fact that he remembered on Wednesday, asked me, followed up, and still managed to reschedule and make an effort to make it even though he had something unexpected come up on him. Oh yeah, and he paid, too. I did mention to him that I didn't mean for Dixie to tease him about taking me out (aren't friends lovely? lol) because of all the drama he went through with rumors started about him and someone else last year, and he said it was no big thing and that it was OK if people thought things about us because I'm not married to another employee XD He went on to mention he was a bit freaked out and amused that one of the cashiers keeps asking him out - she's about ten or twelve years older and twice his size, and that he doesn't think she quite gets what he means when he says "Just friends". Poor Sharon, LOL. Someone honked their horn at me when I didn't go RIGHTTHEVERYSECOND the light turned green and he told me to flip them off. I didn't because well . . . well I will next time. I did shoot a bird while telling him someone did that to me for no reason once and almost made him choke on his drink.
It was a different kind of birthday. Kind of really bizarre when I think about it, but it was nice for once to be out with someone I wasn't related to for a change, even if we are just friends. Though he did mention, and for the second time now, that he's impatient for summer to get here so he can go to the river and that he wants me to come with him. Daytona, too. We'll see what happens, I guess.
Oh, I did have to end up putting off my tattoo for a few weeks. The pharmacy is incredibly shorthanded at the moment because at least three people are out sick, so Dixie got called to work this weekend, and I want to wait until we're both off because she wants to come with me.
But yeah . . . I really love life right now!