Long time no see

Jan 20, 2011 00:59

Oh hai LiveJournal . . . so I see that "Merry Christmas" (And Pippin New Year, teehee!) was my last entry on here. Yeah, guess not much has been going on is all. Life is good, work is good. I spent New Year's weekend mostly curled up in bed or in front of TV taking healthy amounts of Mucinex and Airborne, unfortunately. Pretty much half the store was sick following Christmas though, so it was inevitable that I'd eventually catch it, then Kenny caught it from me. Lulz. Nothing dodgy though, don't worry :-P He was just silly-headed enough to sit with me right after I'd told him I felt like I was coming down with something; hell I even had the just-bought cold drugs in my hand. We've had the usual Volde-Mart fun times. In the past month:

D fell in the pharmacy one day and sprained her knee

Shawn/Nature Boy nearly got fired for calling out. From jail.

Kenny observed a mother yelling at her child for hours through the whole store, before shouting "Mama found a piece of candy, come here!" and then quite literally drop-kicking said child when he ran to her and slapping every inch of him she could reach. WTF.

Our 'favorite customer', who had a mild heart attack in December, has not given up his habit of frequenting the pharmacy at least three times a week to make all sorts of unreasonable demands and threatening to take his business away from us. Most recently, he walked away from the drop-off window, swearing he was going to sue his doctor. Apparently doc told him "Mr Customer, you won't be needing _____ med anymore, you can throw it out." So Mr Customer threw it in the trash.Then the doc decided Mr Customer WOULD still be needing that drug after all and wrote him another script for it, which the insurance company won't pay for because it was already recently filled.

Speaking on the idiocy of doctors, I had some poor old dear picking up insulin today and went  "This is all I get?!" I asked her how much she usually gets and she informed me that this was her first time getting insulin of any kind and she had no idea how to use it. Crotchety Pharmacist™ explained it to her as best he could and spent the next few minutes after letting his disgust at said doctor known to anyone who would listen. Really, who prescribes a patient insulin for the first time in the patient's life and doesn't explain to them how it works?

Also doctors, please stop telling your patients what meds will cost when you have no earthly idea what they do. Also, STOP STOP STOP telling them "All medications are $4 at Wal-Mart!" No!

Amoxycillin smells like snot and I hate mixing it.

Crotchety Pharmacist™ filled four prescriptions today for anxiety meds. For cats. XD


Look what I found up a tree last week. Charles coaxed her down and fed her, and she's been sticking around. Dad said we should take it to the pound, but I'm taking her to the vet's tomorrow to get shots. I'll set up a spay date as soon as Ira posts my schedule for the next two weeks and I know what days I'll have off. We named her 'Thirteen'.

Most cuddliest cat EVAR. Do want, OMG. 
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