(no subject)

Oct 07, 2010 00:06

First things first, I'd like to thank goldnote for the cute puppy she sent, aww!

And now, for this . . .

I wish it didn't take nearly 27 years for me to learn to be happy with the simple things in life.

I work at Wal-Mart. I barely get enough hours to make do anymore, and they're constantly changing. Yes, I do live at home, and I always have.

And never have I felt more content, looked forward to each day. Even workdays. Even when I don't get to spend my days off the way I might have planned. Dad's been home for the past few days, and the transmission in his car is acting up, meaning that yesterday I got up, we made cookies together, and then I, along with Charles, drove him nearly three hours one way to his terminal so he could go back to work. And I didn't mind. Heck, I've been pining for a road trip for a while anyways, so this kind of satisfied my craving in an odd way, although it would have been nicer to have gone to visit someone out of state or something. But still, it was fun. Ended up stopping at my own Volde-Mart supercenter because Dad likes to save 3 cents a gallon on gas using their gift cards, giving me the perfect excuse to go inside the store and get the diamond edition DVD/Blu-Ray of Beauty and the Beast. OMG, words cannot describe to you how much I love that movie. It's definitely my favorite Disney animated. Ever. Seriously. Oh by the way, I borrowed Howl's Moving Castle on my last library trip, and I have to say I'm pretty in love with that one too. But never nearly as much as BATB. No . . .

Kenny makes me smile. I confronted him about that note he left on my truck Monday, and told him it was really cute. He told me it really wouldn't hurt if I washed the truck, either, because it's really dirty. He passed by my register a little later on and asked when I was taking lunch, I told him at 2.

He made a face. "I'm going at one."

"Well you can go at two!"

I didn't think too much of it and figured he'd go ahead and go before me until I actually was on my way to lunch and he walked out of his department and followed me. He asked if I was having my bottle of water for lunch and I said I'd probably go to Burger King since I had coupons and he just said "K, I'll ride with you." He'd followed me halfway out the hall before stopping and saying "OH! If you don't care anyways." No, no I don't care. You just follow me around anytime and anywhere you want, sweetie.   It's strange. While every now and then I'll still get a little awkward and flustered around him, for the most part, he's just . . . there. And we talk. About this, that, and everything. I've lived in this area for nearly 14 years and I still managed to forget how to get from Wal-Mart to BK, and they're only a mile or two apart and on the same highway. But that's normal for me XD. Then he told me I look funny carrying a purse, LOL. For some strange reason I think that's the best compliment anyone's paid me in a while. Seriously, I can carry almost everything I need in my pockets. Anywho, I can't say it was butterflies and holding hands and gazing soppily into each other's eyes. It was lunch out with a friend. And yet  . . . I dunno.Throughout the rest of the day, even he at least made eye contact or we communicated through ad-libbed sign language to each other that we were going to break, etc, or he came over to talk to me while I was covering the people greeter's break. It's probably my lack of much social life growing up and my way of over-analyzing things that makes me question things like this so much. I really shouldn't be so awestruck that someone can have seen me being myself, awkwardness and tripping over chairs/benches, stuttering, having blonde moments, etc, and still like being around me. It just seems like he went a little out of his way more than once today to do so. And the fact that Monday, we were talking about people being pregnant and having kids really young, and I mentioned that I still had no desire for any kids at my age and wouldn't be bothered if I never did, and now he's wanting lunch with me when there's any number of other coworkers he could go pass the time with. Kenny doesn't want anymore kids, you see. I often wondered if he held back around me because he thought I was young and would want the whole 'my life is ahead of me, raising a baybee is my biggest dream!' thing. I've been wanting for a while to tell him I was child-free by choice and wanted to stay that way, but I didn't want to be straightforward to the point of grabbing him by his collar and shouting it to the rooftops like a zealot, LOL. But now he knows, and for once . . . I've met a person here in the Bible belt/heart of Dixie, blah blah blah, that didn't jump right in and try to tell me I'm wrong, or bad, or that I'll change my mind later.

AGAIN, probably just me over-analyzing, but I can't help it. 
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