. . . that Gracie hates rumors. And it doesn't even involve me. Not yet anyways. A couple of pothead assholes at work have started spreading a story that Kenny is having an 'affair' with a girl who works in his department. For the record, they're not and they're both pissed off about it. I pulled a short shift today and we went back to do weekly shopping and I was talking with him then; he seemed so ruffled and upset, and kept going on about it, which is unusual for him, at least when he's talking to me. He thought he was on good terms with one of the guys who started this, and didn't think he'd ever done anything to offend him. The kicker is that both of these guys are forever calling in and slacking off, and Ken's the one who ends up doing the work that they were supposed to. One of them has called in over 8 times in the past 6 months, not including all the times he's left early or an hour or so into his shift because he 'just didn't feel good' or was depressed about the fight he had with his girlfriend.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if either these guys are shown the door in the near future, but fuck's sake, how old are we? A male and a female working in the same department together, and getting along/sharing a few laughs does not mean they're boinking, good god. He half jokingly said that we'd better be careful, or it'll be me and him having the affair next.
Me: "If we are, I want to know about it."
Him: "Me too! I don't remember having this first one, I'd hate to miss out on another one!"
He did promise me he'd let me know if he finds out that the two of us are having an affair together without our knowledge, though