Jan 06, 2007 07:33
Wow, I haven't been on LJ for a few days -- had three pages of posts to go through on my F-list.
I was rummaging in the freezer out in the garage Wednesday morning for some frozen meals to haul to work. The car headlights were on so I could see. Well, just as I was heading out from the tight spot in front of the freezer, they went out. And my left foot (in dress shoe, so a good bit exposed) found the blade of the roto-tiller.
Not much blood, but my GOD it hurt. Jody cleaned it up, had the bright idea of using sore throat spray to make it stop hurting, and got it bandaged. "Thanks, that'll be okay. And my last tetanus shot was..." Oh wait. That was 1996. It's 2007.
So I got a hold of my doctor while I was at work that day, and he was very nice about getting me in very quickly for a tetanus booster. I had no memory of such a thing hurting so much, so I had no problem with them popping that thing into my right arm.
Bad idea -- should have gone with the left arm. It's three days later and I'm still hurting, but at least by this point, I can lift my arm to horizontal without it hurting too much. Writing on the board, operating the TV in the room, and pulling things off shelves at work has been hellish the past two days. Touching it makes me really unhappy too. At least it's at a point where a brush over the injection site doesn't make me scream anymore.
Good thing there's no archery at 12th Night! :}