Nov 13, 2009 09:48
I found this amusing... but in a sad way.
The middle school is doing this big "caught doing good" leadership thing. Teachers get coupons to give to the kids they think did something exceptional. The kids put their name on the coupon, select a prize number that they're interested in, and the coupon goes into a raffle for that prize. There's a display of the 9 prizes near the office.
So what are the prizes?
1. Cute little rag doll
2. Little book (photo album, maybe?) on "sisters"
3. Peacock feather mask
4. Photo frame
5. Ribbon board for sticking photos and memos on -- with lots of words on it like "Girls only" and "Glamour"
6. Recipe cards
7. Little spiral-bound memo book with a wooden holder - the holder would be what I call "country kitsch" in style.
8. Pastel colored memo pad
The first 8 aren't completely focused on girls. I mean, recipe cards could be good for either sex, and the photo frame is also gender neutral. The peacock mask is pretty sweet too. But there's a definite, strong leaning towards "girly stuff" in all but the t-shirt.