Nov 26, 2006 03:36
Well, I took one for the lads this evening.
I was punched in the face for (ostensibly) being a homo.
I was at the cash machine (ATM) with a friend of mine, getting money to continue our night on the drink. A young gentleman (obviously intoxicated) was leaning by the ATM, and asked my friend "are you gay?" My buddy, truthfully enough, replied, "no", with a hint of indignation.
Alas, being a smart arse is very often a curse.
Upon hearing this response our drunken, slurring friend turns upon me and forms a similar question.
I grin my widest, shit-eating grin and reply, "The most rampant homo in the North".
And the fucker punched me, right in the eye - the outside edge of the eye socket, whatever that is called.
Luckily for me (and him) he was far too guttered to present a decent punch, so I just continued to grin and shook it off. If the bastard had made a serious attempt at it (as he was maybe trying to do)I was probably drunk enough to give more than the snide comment I provided, and punch him in the face myself (which would have been a more effective altercation, I can promise).
I would not like to think that this is indicative of people in the North of Scotland; violent, repressed and unpleasant.
I, at least, am passive, tolerant and (try my hardest to be) nice.