wow it's been forever

May 17, 2007 22:23

And boy oh boy it seems that I have grown up a lot. Life's taken a lot of changes in the past year. I'm working at Petsmart as a groomer's assistant. I love the job. I bathe dogs all day. I love animals and thats where I got my first Texan dog...formally known as Peewee now Boston. My little dachshund is my precious little baby. He is such a funny little guy. Then I adopted a pug her name was sissy but I changed it to Karma. Karma is a lazy little pug but she is quite funny. She snores, sneezes and farts a whole lot but hey thats just her genetics...can't really hold it against her..haha!
I'm working very hard and soon I hope to become a groomer. The money is good and I sure could use it. I've been working hard to get good grades in college, so far I'm at a 3.0 gpa. Which is pretty good. It would have been better if I'd not gotten that D is Spanish but O well...that class was really fast paced.
I'm planning my vacation to MA in'll be July 9-13th I think. I can't wait to see everyone...PLUS I'm bring the love of my life Michael with me. I can't wait to introduce him to everyone.
Anyways I'm off here...I have to get sleep I have an early morning Jayson is going to teach me more about shaving pads and sanitary shaves on dogs.
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