Honoring a Wiccan Warrior
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,190322,00.html The video is available for viewing.
By clicking on the UP OR DOWN link at the end of the descriptive paragraph, you can express your support for the Pentacle being adopted as an emblem of belief by the VA and your concerns about the VA's delay in approving the symbol.
Be sure to cast a "DOWN" vote for the Department of Veterans Affairs not yet recognizing the Wiccan religion and not yet approving the Pentacle for use on government issued headstones, markers, and plaques for deceased veterans.
It is not necessary to identify yourself as a Wiccan or Pagan in expressing dismay that the VA has not approved the Pentacle yet.
Please keep your comments to the point and respectful in tone. Do not use profanity. Reference First Amendment issues of Freedom of Religion in the US Constitution.
More information about the Pentacle for Veterans quest is
http://www.circlesanctuary.org/liberty/veteranpentacle ACT NOW!!!
Please get as many people as you can to respond to this opinion section of the FOX News website.
Forward this email to lists & those you know who might be willing to write an email AGAINST discrimination and in support of Pentacle approval by the VA.
In Liberty,
Lady Liberty League staff