(no subject)

Jul 28, 2006 14:12

"I really like it when my boyfriend pounds my ass."

First, somebody hijacked my 'arcticphoenix' screen name and tried to get into my MySpace account. Then, somebody hijacks my livejournal account, changes my password and e-mail to a nonexistant account at a S&M porn website, and posts my supposed love for anal sex. I'm not really pissed, I'm just curious who's trying to do all this shit. I have my suspicions. Are we five years old?

33 days...

I've realized something about relationships. I just ended one because the 'L' word came up. I'm not sure whether I was afraid of the commitment or dating for the sake of having somebody there, but I wasn't 100% into it. A lot of people must have somebody to fill some kind of void.. making themselves 'complete.' I also have a void that needs to be filled, but I don't need another person and a relationship to fill it. I need to fill that void myself before I can be with somebody. Going into a relationship not knowing who you are, what you want, what you value is going to break it. As much as I'd like to have somebody, you shouldn't rely on other people to make you who you are. Sure, a boyfriend/girlfriend can help, friends can help, family can help, but ultimately it's up to you because you are the only person you can rely on 100%.

I tried looking at people who have been together what seems like forever, and I haven't understood what makes them stay. Some people may 'love' each other, but how can you say you've loved everyone you've ever been with. Some may be conveniences, some may be just because, or they may be blind to their own drawbacks that another person needs to fill.
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