annoyed and offended

Apr 30, 2012 11:45

Usually I wouldn't post stuff abt church because I don't enjoy shoving my religion into other's throat. But since this has nothing to do with God or christianity on the whole I guess i can put it up.

My church holds sunday sch classes catered for all every Sunday a grp of young adults will gather and we will have classes. Our classes usually invloves discussing our day to day happening of the week and how to live a life as a modern christian.

So last week we were talking abt unjusy that we see in thr society( to tie in with pur study in the book of Amos) and towards the end we were talking about whether the treatment of women in workplace is considered unjust or unfair.

Being a closet femmist myself i voiced out that is was indeed unjust because employers hesistant to promote women to higher position because they are afraid of what will happen if they were to start a family. Which then my 2 male sunday school teacher justified it by saying it is a social norm, and indeed all other things held equal the mandatory 4 mths maternaily leave is enough to put employers of in promoting females. Which i argued back being a social norm doesn't make it fair or just. because even if i am a single and not planning to get marred that would always be held over my head regardless, and we should try to look for situations to adjust this norm instead of just acceptin it.

Which then they bought up the whole employers will be burdern to find temp etc so why not just promote the guy. Which goes back to my point because ppl are schooled in this we will never find the fairness we seek...

can you tell how annoyed I was.

on to the offended

So yesterday...another sunday school session.
This week we had a church auntie talk to us abt planing ahead for the how much you have to save etc. so it came to a point of what so you look for in ur future spouse. One guy jokingly said that girls would want a guy with 10credit cards which i replied saying that i wouldnt trust a guy with 10 credit card too much "credit", maybe he cant save or will overspent.

But this credit convo led to one of our sunday school teacher(a divinity studen from
HK) jumping in to say about why people don't think they have enough money because they have too much wants, which leads to having too many credit cards because of that and how you should look into what is important etc. I must say I wasnt the only one that felt offended. because he looks as though he is addressing
the girls when he was saying it. Like we are materialistic. But never in anything i said bought up anything of us not having enough money...And I said i would not look favorably to a guy that has alot of credit cards and instant be why did I wary that speech. Wtf?!!
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