Things That Made My Week

Nov 23, 2008 01:18

- First of all, getting to meet and hang out with essenceofmeanin on Monday. We got our geek on over tea, and it was really fun. (Hope we can meet up again soon, N.!)

- Receiving a book in the mail from my college friend, "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver. Today at work, I just inhaled it, though there are 40 pages or so left that I'm saving for tomorrow. Love how at ease with itself Kingsolver's voice is, and how smoothly the story flows. And damn, she is witty, with many awesome turns of phrase. So as not to unnecessarily schlep stuff back and forth from home to the hotel and back over the weekend, I left the book there, or else there'd be quotes here. Maybe tomorrow.

- Checking out a DVD set from the library: "Classics from Outer Space"! It's a 3-disc set of 10 full-length sci-fi movies from the '50s and '60s. OMG. So cool. So far I've watched "Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet" and "Killers From Space." They are even better (read: delightfully worse) than they sound. Perfect for curling up on the couch and iconning or drawing and laughing your head off. (Example: [walking on the bottom of the sea and looking around at all the strange creatures, deadpan delivery] Astronaut A: "Look, the tail of a shark!" Astronaut B: "Yes, but with the head of a dolphin."]

- Finding a kosher turkey for Thanksgiving! And kosher stuffing! And kosher marshmallows. *wins*

- Getting to come home early tomorrow instead of doing my usual double-shift at the hotel. That leaves actual time to catch up on LJ and writing and eating real food and stuff. Much needed.

- Increased hours at my Portland job!

- Impromptu homemade brownies the other night. Mmmmm....


Tomorrow afternoon: SPN meta and a catch-up post for my NaNo-ish stuff.

yay!, personal

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