*waves to flist*
How you guys doing out there?
I've been lurking around, but haven't found too much to say recently. SPN spoilers are keeping me very excited about the new season (I suspect it might be the best since S1) and SGA is keeping me occupied in the meantime. Plus, I've found time to watch both seasons of Heroes (totally compelling--and S2 wasn't in any way as bad as everybody says) and the first half of S1 of Ugly Betty (one of the best-written and -acted shows I've seen in a while). Plus, every once in a while I'm catching episodes of Psych and other random shows on
Hulu, which almost makes up for my lack of actual cable TV.
Two very exciting things coming up: at the end of the month, my sister and I are flying to NY to visit our parents for a week. It's a long-overdue trip for me, since I haven't seen them in about 18 months, which is about unheard of for us. Then at the end of September, a close college friend is coming over for Rosh HaShana, which promises to be very fun.
My next big goal (besides the ongoing job search) is to study for the GRE, which takes place in October. Is it odd that I'm looking forward to it?