PurimGifts Creator Letter

Feb 05, 2018 23:41

Dear PurimGifts Writer/Podficcer,

Thank you so much for writing/reading for me! This exchange has become a favorite part of my Purim practice, which is maybe a little weird, but seriously, who wouldn't want to spend Purim reading fic about ladies, viziers, and suchlike? Honestly the best, and thank you for being part of it.

This is where I tell you that no matter what you write/read, I will be excited and happy and grateful. It's probably also the part where you roll your eyes and say, "Everyone says that, but then they get a fic not to their taste and only tragedy can follow." Well, I'll be honest: my tastes have widened and mellowed over the years, so I'm serious when I say I'm just really curious to see what other people have to say about my fandoms. So write what interests you, please don't worry too much about me, and I guarantee we'll both be happy. <3333

I requested way too many fandoms. *lol* Please forgive the sparse notes, it's just way too many to go into detail. I thought I'd just say what I love about the fandom, and/or some jumping off points for fic, plus preferred pairings in case that matters. NOTHING is required; these are just thoughts you can go with or ignore as you please. :)

Star Wars: TFA - I ship all iterations of Rey, Poe, and Finn. Also Han/Leia. I love how heroic everyone is, and how they all become friends and family despite the terrible conditions of their lives and the evil of their enemies. Resiliance and hope are good themes here.

Star Trek Reboot - Mainly a Kirk/Spock shipper. I love their friendship too, and Jim and McCoy's friendship as well. Space adventures are always fun. Maybe winning an argument. Or moments where stuff they see in space (or just with each other) are truly stunning and moving.

Greek/Roman Mythology - I don't think I have a favorite myth, although Ariadne and Persephone come to mind. Does Medea count as a myth? I won't tell if you won't. I wonder what would have changed if goddesses had claimed the sky, sea and underworld instead of gods?

Jewish Scripture and Legend, Midrash, Tanakh - My favorite thing is when people do a deep read of the texts to find narratives that are both supportable and unexpected. Also, queering of the text. I really doubt you'll find a tale from these sources that I wouldn't be interested in.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Right now I'm kind of dying for Fitz/Simmons/Daisy, but I also like a lot of other pairings, including Daisy/Robby, just plain FitzSimmons, Daisy/Simmons, Yoyo/Mack, Coulson/May. Afraid I'm not big on Ward, so maybe steer clear of stories involving him (though if that's what really moves you, go for it). These guys all make me so happy. I like the bond between Daisy and Coulson a lot, the mutual respect and affection. Anything with any of the team just hanging out or interacting in between adventures is good.

MCU - God, I'm such a multi-shipper here. You probably can't go wrong. I love when they're all getting along and living together in Avengers Tower, but I also wonder what would happen if you stuck them all on a spaceship together way out in the Negative Zone or something.

Daredevil (TV) - I've always loved Matt/Karen but could be persuaded in other directions. Anything team-y with Matt, Foggy and Karen. Or maybe just focused on Matt and Foggy after Foggy finds out about Daredevil, esp if Foggy doesn't get all weird about it like he does in the show.

Elementary - I love the deep deep deep respect Sherlock and Joan have for each other. It's my kyptonite. That and what passes for normal in their house as they live with each other.

Fairy Tales - I love it when fairy tales get all queered up. Love love love. Doesn't even matter which one.

Galavant - I mainlined both seasons of this once, really enjoyed it, and have no idea what to ask for in fic. Show me what you like about it?

H50 - I'm a few seasons behind, so maybe no recent spoilers. Steve/Danny is wonderful, as is teamfic. I like h/c in this fandom, esp of the whump variety.

Merlin - I like Merlin/Arthur. Magic getting Merlin in trouble, Merlin and Arthur being partners in crime, helping each other out of trouble, all is great. Plus Gwen is also great. Canon really didn't give us enough Gwen and Merlin getting into trouble together antics.

Newsies - David/Jack is love. David's sister (Sarah?) also has so much story left to tell. I always wonder what happened to her after her brother ran off with her boyfriend.

Road to El Dorado - I totally forgot why I put this, but I did love this movie. Show me why you liked it too?

Likes: found family, solving problems together, relationship negotiation, shenanigans, plot, h/c, tropes, women being awesome, plotty character exploration, romance, what if?, realizing your married/dating, telepathy

Dislikes: non-canon AUs, crack, crossovers, non-canonical death, breakups that last, pwps, ooc, character/pairing bashing

Note on shipping: I like gen too! Ships are noted here just for reference. This entry was originally posted at https://desertport.dreamwidth.org/191113.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

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