Purimgifts Author Letter

Jan 18, 2016 04:51

Hello, wonderful author!

Here's a belated letter about the fandoms I requested for purimgifts. Since there are a lot, I thought I'd just say what I like about them and let inspiration take you where you will. Overall, I've become a huge multi-shipper, so no landmines there--please write what pleases you about the characters, ships, canons, etc. I am just delighted to get to read your takes on our shared fandoms!!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV) - I watched all the episodes for the first time a few weeks ago and fell in love with the comedy style (kind of blink and you miss it, background stuff going on, witty banter), all the chars, and the light-but-fully-committed progressivism.

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015) - This movie! These characters! Anything gen or romantic about Rey, Finn and Poe would be lovely. Character studies, stories about them getting to know each other, get-together, fighting the Dark Side, it's all good. Pairing-wise, I've really fallen for Rey/Finn/Poe, but I also like Rey/Finn.

Gargoyles (TV) - My first online fandom! I love this show for more reasons than I can really express, so I'll focus on just a couple: Elisa and Demona. They are both passionate about what they believe, even though their beliefs are so incredibly different, and they are unashamed to commit to doing what they think is right, even when it's hard. I do not ship them, but I find their antagonism compelling. In terms of ships, I see Elisa/Goliath as the ultimate good match. They are just so right for each other. That said, I've always had a thing for Elisa/Tony Dracon. They are so wrong for each other, but again, their antagonism is compelling.

Jewish Legend & Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, מדרש | Midrash - Grouping these all together! What I like about fic for these tales is learning new ways to understand what's old and familiar--or, in the case of fic about texts I'm less familiar with, getting the opportunity to engage with them in the first place. So any starting point you choose will be of interest to me. But if you'd like more of a starting point, I find myself really interested in Zipporah and the "bridegroom of blood" episode; Eve and Lilith (what would a conversation between them be like?); Vashti in exile; dybbuks in general; and basically everything in Louis Ginzberg's Legends of the Jews.

Once Upon a Time (TV) - So much love for Emma/Regina and stories about their growing committed to each other and negotiating their relationship and being a family with Henry, and fighting evil. But again, I'm a multishipper, so don't feel you have to write that ship (or any ship) if it's not up your alley. There are really no characters I dislike on this show; I watch it with total noncritical glee. /o\

Jessica Jones (TV) - I love how Jessica and Trish draw strength from each other and have each other's backs, and how that relationship started when they were so young and just grew stronger as they grew up. Even when they are working on their problems alone, they seem to have this shared well of strength.

Grimm (TV) - IDEK what to say about this show. Shit has got real in it lately, and I find myself interested in where it's heading and how it's planning to get there. But I also like the way it was before, where there was this kind of loose family unit comprised of Nick and everyone in on his secret and how they were all basically benign toward each other, notwithstanding the occasional misunderstanding. Juliette was always pretty kick-ass, and Rosalie remains just an amazing, likeable, nuanced character who is soulmates with Monroe, who himself is a delight. Oh! And Trubel!!! Oy, this is basically another show where I will squee over anyone you choose to write about.

Hawaii Five-0 (2010) - I'm still in the middle of S5, I'm afraid. Love everyone to death. The ohana theme is really very attractive to me (do you sense a theme in the shows I like?), and I love the setting, and how much action/adventure and stunts they manage to cram into every episode. My OT3 is Steve/Danny/Cath, and I love Kono whether she's with Adam, an original FC, or by herself.

Golden Girls - Again, found family. But with amazing set-ups and punchlines and clever dialogue and women in their later lives refusing to be anything but who they are, and being awesome at it.

Dark Angel - Been a while since I've watched this. Anything gen with Max, Original Cindy and/or Alec would be wonderful.

Captain Marvel (Comics) - I'm afraid as much as I love her, I'm still new to her books, so show me what you like about her! If Jessica Drew appears, I wouldn't be unhappy either!

Newsies (1992) - I once went through a very pleasant Jack/David phase that I'd love to revisit. I think David and his family are coded Jewish, so go crazy with them if you like. I also kind of wonder what Sarah's experience of the strike was, and what her life was like at that time.

General Likes: Character study, plot, humor, adventure, people interacting in interesting ways, established relationship, relationship negotiation, tropes, pwp, h/c, satisfying endings, metafic. Also, feel free to write poetry if you prefer!

Please no: Deathfic, AU, ooc, character-bashing.

Hope this helps! Thank you again for writing me stuff!


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