Dear MCU Ladies Halfamoon Writer

Jan 15, 2015 01:48

Thank you for writing something for me! Here are some thoughts I have on the stuff I requested, general likes, and stuff, but the bottom line is I think the best writing is about what the writer finds interesting and fun--so if nothing I say resonates with you, please do your own thing!

Agent Carter: Gosh, I love Peggy. She hits my competence kink so hard, but she's also (even in three eps) rounded by human imperfections. I'm fascinated by how she negotiates being a bamfy woman in a world pretty much set on controlling her and limiting her options simply because she is a woman. In this most recent ep, we see that it really does get to her; she basically says that she wants her colleagues' respect... but she also admits that she's unlikely to even get their support if she comes clean with them. I like how she is basically going through something typical of superheroes in general, having to shoulder all this responsibility and make sacrifices in secret--but it's due to systemic and social problems that occur in the real world. Her isolation is a natural result, too, and I enjoy watching her try to balance her need for companionship with all the secrets she has to keep.

Which brings me to Angie! We don't know as much about her yet, but hopefully that will change. What we do know is that she's really into Peggy, though whether as a friend or in a romantic way is hard to tell. Either way, I love her attempts to draw Peggy out and be friends. I think for women like Peggy, who are a little introverted and spend so much time in competitive male spaces, opening up can sometimes require being aggressively pursued by an Angie.

Obviously I ship them, but if you don't, I'd adore fic about their friendship. Would love to see something that gets deeper into Angie's characterization, or Peggy revealing what she really does all day. Maybe futurefic where Angie becomes one of the first agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or is just a part of Peggy's life as she builds the organization. Or h/c is also good.

Other things I wouldn't mind reading about include Jarvis and Peggy's relationship (I ship Jarvis/Ana so completely), the possibility that Sousa is aware of Peggy's activities, or ordinary drama in Peggy's apartment building.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: There can never be enough Jemma/Skye fic, but if you don't ship them, as above, gen involving them both is also great. I just enjoy their dynamic; I think Jemma said it best after Skye was shot, that they couldn't be more different, but she can't imagine life without her. I'd love to read something focusing on how that statement came to be true for them, or on what it means for them after S1 or the most recent ep. If you ship them, then get-together fic is always fun, but I also enjoy established relationship where the focus is split between them and an outside situation they deal with together.

I like Ward, but I'm pretty into him being all villain-y, and I don't ship him with Skye. I love Fitz and his tragic love for Jemma, but I adore the direction they're taking with his character development. I also love Coulson and his approach to leadership and the way this team has changed him. I have to admit I find his and Skye's relationship really interesting and a lot more complex than it's sometimes given credit for; the father-daughter dynamic only goes so far. Actually, I've always kind of wanted to read a fic where Skye and Jemma set him up with the cellist.

Sif and Agent Carter: IDEK, but I just like the idea of Sif having adventures with Peggy and Angie!

General likes: plot, tropes, adventure, snarky romance, spy stories, quirky humor, h/c, resolved angst, people being heroic without realizing it

Not so much: deathfic, permanent break-ups, character bashing, ooc, AU

Again, thank you so much for volunteering to write something for me! I hope this helps. If it doesn't and you want any kind of clarification or anything, maybe the mods will pass on a message to me? But the main thing is that you write the story you want to write. If it's not above, like I said, don't sweat it. I'm interested in the stories YOU want to tell.

♥ ♥ ♥

- Port

author letter, mcu, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., agent carter

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