rewatching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jul 30, 2014 14:51

1. S1 is remarkably cohesive, viewed in one or two sessions.

2. Skye/Simmons. That is all.

3. I want to start a hashtag campaign on Twitter: #agenthandlives. But I know that's just very wishful thinking. :( RIP, Victoria Hand.

4. Coulson as a complex, fleshed-out character is way more compelling than in the movies. He was cool there, but until this show I was wondering what all the fuss was about. Now he's someone I'll enjoy writing about very much. I ship him with the cellist of course.

5. The season-long foreshadowing re: Grant is still easy to miss, but on rewatch is really pretty awesome. "How dare Skye betray us like that! I am very outraged!" *lol*

6. The continuity of the MCU movies and this show brings me back to Chris Claremont's years-long, amazingly coherent and compelling run on the X-books. So watching this show makes me feel happy and nostalgic, kind of like hanging out with a good friend I haven't seen in a while.

7. Part of what these movies and AoS do right is they bring a sense of humor and snarkiness that is requisite for a story with so much ridiculousness going on. They are having fun with it and not taking themselves as appalling seriously as, say, the incredibly un-fun Batman trilogy and recent Superman. So MCU is funny and fun, but balances that by just earnestly embracing and paying homage to the superhero comic book genre, totally respecting its tropes and messages and history and characters--whereas the DC movies almost seem embarrassed by the fantastical elements and go out of their way to blend them with the gritty realism they prefer--because they are Serious Movies that Say Things on an Existential Level. DC-bashing aside (sorry!), I just really love the MCU approach to adapting the comics to the screen.

comics, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.

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