in their season

Jun 22, 2014 21:32

# In more plant-related news, a beautiful leafy green vine grows across my window, and I've been delighted over how lush it is in this much warmer weather. I had forgotten that last year it had big pink flowers, and I'm reminded now because they have started to appear! Yay! Unrelatedly, I keep a few houseplants in my office because the cat likes to eat them at home. Move-out date from my office is June 30. There has to be a solution to this impending problem. Best I can think of so far is to install a high shelf.

# I have aos_bigbang, spn_summergen, and a ton of charity podfics and fics to do. Have not gotten started beyond the brainstorming stage on any of them. Distracted by work stuff, and organizing a job search, and there's a ton of mail I need to open and take care of. However, I cooked dinner (for a certain definition of cooking dinner) and cleaned the kitchen tonight, and had a very strong urge to go clean my car, where a ton of stuff has collected. I'll do that last tomorrow, since most of the stuff needs to go back into the office, not my home.

This level of stuff-to-do calls for some seriously regimented time management over the next week. :(

# I have all these things I need to see in fic, but they're very specific. I want to read an MCU/Gargoyles crossover, but only one that does not involve any sort of "OMG there are strange sentient creatures that turn to stone during the day and OMGWTF how amazing is that!!1!." When you meet a gargoyle, you gotta stay chill in order to be cool.

Another thing I want is a Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. genfic about Skye and Coulson, only without the father-daughter dynamic that most authors seem to see there. I admit there's supporting evidence in canon for that interpretation, but there's also enough to support my view that their relationship is more about ever-growing mutual respect and a sort of egalitarian friendship, with the age-gap not a big deal. Coulson's authority over her and the rest, to my mind, comes from his position as a higher-level agent and team leader. He cares deeply about Skye, but I don't get that paternal vibe. Also, I suspect Skye would chafe at being anyone's daughter-figure. So far, the main fic I know of that fits this bill is Built on Questions (Mostly Unanswered) by BlackEyedGirl.

Lastly, I want a Sherlock/Avengers crossover that has mystery and spy stuff and bamfery all over the place. IDK. Crossovers usually do very, very little for me, but Lately I seem to want everything to converge.

personal, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., gargoyles

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