Today I took care of business in all its myriad forms! In about an hour I have to go pick someone up and drop them off at home from an event, and tomorrow I have to finish writing a grant and do a little e-mail at work, and then it's the weekend all of a sudden. Tuesday and Wednesday were non-work days for Passover. I wouldn't have observed them if I weren't working in a Jewish setting, but since I am, and everybody else was closed too, I thought I might as well.
Which was nice. I started reading an epic Sherlock fic (Against the Rest of the World by Silent Auror) and still haven't finished it but would recommend it very highly. Sherlock is toward the end of his hiatus, held prisoner by the last of Moriarty's network, and mysteriously set free by them. It's very much a spy drama with Sherlock/John pining and romance and whump and plot and basically it is everything I look for in a fic in addition to a bunch of things I don't always look for but really like anyway.
I may have just finished the last of the seder leftovers. /o\ I have no idea what I'm going to eat for the next five days. :(
Ward as enthusiastic bad guy: I like. He's all smug and self-satisfied about fooling everyone, which is better than being angsty and conflicted over it. Because we've seen that before and it always leads to a change of heart where that char saves the day and makes it so the good guys win just as all seems lost. Might still happen here, but I'd love it if Ward stuck with Hydra and Garrett and spent the rest of the series as a recurring bad guy. If only for the sake of having a bad guy we're really invested in emotionally already.
Did anyone else get Empire Strikes Back vibes from the first half? The hangar scenes felt very familiar, with the Bus repairs and the need to get away before the U.S. military arrived, and then the snowy scenes. Probably just me. Unrelatedly, it did not look that cold where they were, but everyone was shivering.
Coulson's badge is going to be really hard to replace. *lol* Also, lanyards.