cool things all around

Nov 23, 2013 18:57

I am a mass of Sherlock feels after watching the S3 preview. [Spoiler (click to open)]Is Sherlock going to crash John's date to reveal he's back? That is a fancy restaurant! Is John meeting a girlfriend there to propose? Is John going to propose to Sherlock instead?? Will John's awful mustache affect whether Sherlock says yes?? I have so many questions!

Waiting to see the DW special on Monday with wave_obscura and shadowc44 in the theater. A little spoiled for a couple of small things, but no worries. I'll just stay off Tumblr for a bit.

BTW, you need this in your life: David Tennant and Catherine Tate doing sketch comedy.

Today I happened across one of those old ST:TOS paperbacks. It was by Barbara Hambly, had Kirk and Spock on the cover, and the little preview selection on the inside had Spock fighting vainly against a tentacle monster. So of course I now own this book. :P

sherlock, star trek, recs, doctor who

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