Yuletide Author Letter

Oct 21, 2013 00:00

Dear Yuletide Author,

Oh, you brave soul. You poor, pitiable creature.

That is, welcome to my Thoughts on Certain Rare Fandoms! Let me preface by saying you should not feel compelled to read further. Possibly, you got your assignment and a story popped into your head, and that is what you want to go with. In which case, please go with it! I will delight in whatever you come up with, because it will be from you, to me, in a fandom I don't usually explore.

I'm easy. Everyone says so. ;)

Possibly, on the other hand, you have no idea what to write, or just vague ideas, or you desperately need to know the tastes of this strange person you're writing for. What you'll find below is basically stuff off the top of my head, should you need starting points. I offer them more to get your creative juices flowing than to in any way say what you "should" be writing. I've noted a few strong preferences, and one absolute DNW pairing, but other than that one pairing, please just treat everything here as a glimpse into my head and nothing more.

Frankenstein - Mary Shelley

This might actually be my favorite book, so if you're writing in this fandom, no pressure. ;) But no, really, no pressure. I want to see your interpretation of the novel; there's so much in it and much of the excitement for me is seeing it from new insightful points of view. So go crazy.

That is a very general directive, though, so here are a few things I enjoy when I read the book:

- slash pairings (natch)
- the use of sympathy as a central component of male-male friendship/eroticism (the word sympathy is used all over the place)
- womanless birth as a source of horror
- intense social isolation leading to Bad Things
- Mary Shelley's authorship--If you want to write a story involving Mary Shelley and the production of the book, I'd be fascinated.

Jewish Scripture and Legend

I'm most familiar with Genesis and the stories recounted at major holidays, such as Exodus, Hannah's barrenness and the subsequent birth of Samuel, Jonah, Esther, etc. Recently read a chunk of David and Solomon's stories from the Prophets, and wow, plotty much? :D I love me some Scriptural slash and femmeslash. There's your traditional David/Jonathan, but I've been meditating on the possibility of Sarah/Hagar, and there's always Ruth/Naomi. Jacob wrestling the angel is rather homoerotic, isn't it? The family dynamics of the patriarchs and matriarchs--so much is given in the text in so few words. I really like stories about the women, not only the matriarchs but people like Dinah, Jacob's concubines, Judith, the woman who hides the spies, etc.

So basically anything you got, I wanna read. Except...

Gotta warn you that pairings involving God truly squick me. I respect them as valid artistic expression, but do not want to read any. :( Sorry!

Marvel Avengers Movies RPF

Must admit I kinda chose this for the hotness of the characters. (I know it's RPF, but I call them characters because the people we write and read about are basically characters whose canon consists of public personas we fans have developed our own narratives around. This helps me sleep at night, okay? :) )

If you decide this needs a plot (because again, hotness) then I might suggest (but not insist on) h/c or schmoopiness.

When I saw this fandom listed, my mind immediately leapt to the pairing of Scarlett Johanson/Any Other Avenger Actor.


There are so many characters in this show it's not even funny. So I understand if our interests totally diverge, in which case I urge you to follow your muse and write the Gargoyles story that lives and breathes inside of you.

I love all the characters, but find myself most interested in the human ones, especially the cops and gangsters. Elisa and Matt fighting crime is basically the best thing ever. Elisa and Dracon having passionate hate!sex is basically the even betterer best thing ever. Something noirish like the Silver Falcon ep or procedural-ish is what comes to mind when I think of what I like in this fandom. I believe Elisa and Goliath are as close to soulmates as anyone gets; they love each other, complement each other, believe in each other, have the same basic passion for justice balanced by compassion, and they also have this electricity that zings back and forth between them whenever they're on screen together. I am trying to write a fic where despite that Elisa winds up with Dracon, but it is a lot of work. If you can make it happen, I would love you forever.

Also, I have Demona feels. And feels for her homicidal vendetta against Elisa.


What are your feelings on Louis/clueless!Rick?

If none, then what is Sam's story? Or the story of Ilsa and Victor's fraught journey to Casablanca? What happened to Rick's Cafe under its new management? Just some random starting points off the top of my head, the major takeaway of which should be that I'll enjoy any angle you care to explore. ♥


All the chars are so damn lovable! So write about anyone you like! I live in Portland, by the way, and got into the show at first for the weekly love letter to the city, so if you know the place as well and want to make sweet textual love to it in your fic, then please do!

My first thought for a story I'd want was Monroe and Rosalie fighting crime/solving a mystery/confronting evil wesen... basically something plotty or exciting. I'd also enjoy h/c or more mundane conflicts such as you would find in daily life while trying to woo or carry on a relationship.

But like I said, all the chars are awesome, so follow your heart!

That's it. Hope this was helpful, and thanks so much in advance! I am looking forward to reading your work!


yuletide, meta

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