i contain multitudes

Sep 06, 2012 20:09

An eventful week over at Casa Port!

# The job interview went well. It lasted almost an hour, and we talked about approaches to management and ideas for activities residents might like and that sort of thing. I'm a little worried because they seem to be interviewing a lot of people, and I don't want to be lost in the mix. Next week they'll be calling people in for a second round of interviews, which seems excessive, but oh, well. Here's hoping I make the shortlist.

# Holding my hand before the interview was celtic_forest, who stayed at my place for a few days on the first leg of her trip to Oregon. We had a mad time of it: went to my go-to eateries, watched the first five eps of Gargoyles, talked SPN, and got to have lunch with wave_obscura yesterday. I love fangirl meetups so much!

# Started back up again with the school bus driving--yesterday. Wow, it seems like much longer ago. It was rough in a few areas, especially with the kids, who last afternoon were just... the worst kids I have ever encountered. There was bullying and bad language and stupid sex jokes and the word gay being bandied about--all this from fifth-graders! I adore kids and want a bunch of little Ports running around someday, but I came out of that run with a renewed awareness of how truly mean and callous they can sometimes get.

Luckily, the school was extremely responsive to the report I brought them. Their teacher talked to them and made them walk laps or something, by the looks of it, and the principal came on the bus this afternoon to warn them that the bus is a privilege they can lose, at which point their parents would have to arrange their transportation. The kids seemed to get what an imposition that would be and how their parents would react, to the point where the ride home today was quiet and peaceful. I wish I had the principal's magic way with them. I guess I have a year to develop one!

The thing that most concerns me is that the kid everyone was bullying did not ride today. He told me yesterday that he would ride his bike every day he possibly could. I'm really concerned that the other kids won't resist teasing him because he reacts every. single. time. Usually by yelling at the top of his lungs. I'll need to work with his teacher or something to help him respond more productively, and keep on the others to stop harassing him. After enough referrals, the kids really would face losing their transportation privileges, which would be sad, but might be for the best if things revert to the way they were yesterday. *shudder*

# Still housesitting. Drinking all these poor people's delicious tea.

# Need to watch speeches from the DNC. I hear both Michelle and Clinton rocked the house.

# Getting stuff done! In the next few days, after I've rested a bit (long week is long) I'm posting a long podfic, some misc. art, my summergen story, and my h50_bigbang art. I also am in the middle of copying my original poetry into a booklet for tygers, who won the dubious collection from me in help_japan. Also, I may be offering some fannish work in the near future to raise money for AIDS Walk. More on that later.

Tired. Time to walk the dog and go to bed.

work, rl, bus driving

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