In the mix

May 16, 2012 13:00

# I just signed up for het-bigbang. There's been a story brewing in my head for Elisa and Dracon from Gargoyles for several years(!) now, and it looks like a good time to write it. It'll be interesting to see if this is more than a 25k-word fic or if it goes longer. A lot happens, action, intrigue, redemption, so who knows. ETA: Defaulted on this. Apparently it is a story for another time.

# School is almost finished. I have some coursework, and my oral exam is on Friday. The only thing is they gave me very short notice for the time, and I may not be able to get the afternoon off work for it, in which case I hope the committee is open to rescheduling. /o\

# Grimm is eating my brain! Here's why:
  • Juliette! I like how she grows over the course of the season, cares about Nick, but demands from him what she needs: openness and honesty. She gives him grief over the firestarter woman stealing his phone, but doesn't blame him for her getting kidnapped later in the ep. She has reservations about how much danger they find themselves in but doesn't leave and doesn't make that an issue in the question of getting married, because the openness and honesty thing is what she really cares about. Instead, she learns how to shoot--and is damn good at it, too. And when Nick is getting battered by an ogre, she goes for the boiling water and saves their lives!

    Seriously, I see the slash potential between Nick and Monroe, and the show certainly plays up the bromance, which I love, but Juliette/Nick is my OTP in this fandom, because they are both awesome, and they are awesome together.

  • Nick! He's such a woobie and a BAMF all in one. He's smart. He calls in backup almost every time. He does his job, doesn't rush into danger unnecessarily, but kicks ass when needed. He calls Juliette when he learns he has to go reinterview the firestarter lady just to make a point of how honest and open he wants to be with her. And he is cute. Very cute, with the hair and the eyes and so on....

  • Monroe! He's such a Portlander. I bet he listens to OPB. Without being pretentious about it.

  • Monroe and Nick! Cagefighting! Dinner dates! They are such boys and I love them to bits.

  • Hank and Wu! ♥

  • Portland! It is so cool to see PDX in the bg all the time. My adoptive city really shines in this show. Maybe someday I'll go see a filming, since the show's been renewed.

Now the question for this week is whether Nick will tell Juliette about the animal-people--since she MFin' figured it out herself! (Go Juliette!) I'm hoping he does, since it's the only part of their relationship that is out of joint, and she's awesome enough she could help him be a better Grimm, and all in all she kinda sorta needs to know, especially if the animal-people (forgot their real name) keep bringing them giftbaskets.

IDK, you guys. This show started off slow for me, then became just really enagaging, and the bromance dynamic kicked in, along with the h/c potential, and IDEK, okay?

# For people I owe things to and my general convenience, here's what's on my fannish plate right now:
  • cakehole-club's Close Quarters Challenge - due June 30
  • library research for sinnerforhire - In progress, done by the 20th
  • a Dean-related fanwork for smilla02
  • a coma!poem
  • icons for carina84
  • a booklet of original poetry for tygers - The poems need some editing; I'm just not entirely happy with them yet.
  • my spn_summergen fic - Excellent prompt for one of my favorite chars. This will be the third year in a row I write about a woman I wouldn't have thought to write about before, and I'm enjoying the challenge. - Due June 30.
  • a couple of very, very overdue original drawings - I keep working on these little by little and falling into despair over how my skillz have languished (languished, I tell you!), but my goal is to finish these soon too. ETA: 1 down, 3 to go
  • art for hawaii_bigbang
  • M7 recs for dotfic D:
  • The Meta of Doom
  • podfic for cantarina1 - Recorded, just needs editing
  • a few surprise podfic gifts - Because people write such beautiful things.

If I owe you something from a charity or conversation or something, please let me know! Over the summer I'm also going to go on a commenting spree, rec a lot of stuff from my bookmarks, rewatch the later seasons of SPN, that sort of thing. Plus watch new shows.

to do, rl, writing, grimm, summer is awesome

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