NaNoRecMo Day 9

Nov 15, 2011 23:58

My life lately is one long bus ride. I seriously am spending almost as much time on my way to and from my jobs as I am actually working. My days are these strange, long periods of drowsiness interspersed with brief bursts of activity. For real, here's my day:

Take city bus to school bus yard: 45 minutes
Drive kids to school: 2 hours
Read or something until school lets out: 6 hours
(Alternatively, take city bus home between shifts: 45 minutes each way)
Drive kids home: 2 hours
Take city bus to nonprofit: 1.5 hours
Do what I can at the office until final bus going back into the city arrives: 1.5-2 hours
Take city bus home: 45 minutes


On the bright side, I gave notice at the office a little while ago, and we've now hired my replacement. All I have to do is train her, and then my evenings get a little more open, and I can stop complaining. At that point, I'll also be using the middle of the day to study, so there will be real productivity in the equation.

In other news, the cat likes to curl up against your side and tuck her head into your elbow or rest it on your arm, so you are essentally sitting there in a one-armed embrace with a sleeping purring cat and it's a nice way to end your day.

Moment of Zen:

The Perfect Corner by embroiderama - H50, Steve/Danny. A 600-word h/c piece with a concussed Danny. As is best in this genre, the drama is understated, allowing the important parts--relationship, comfort, sympathy--to appear almost as surprises--delightful ones. The simplicity of the story, Danny's voice, and the resolution make this a warm fic, good to cap your night with.

h50, hurt/comfort, nanorecmo, recs

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