soon boarding

Aug 16, 2010 04:30

The summer hiatus is really getting to me, in good and bad ways. On one hand, it's relaxing not to follow a show week by week (except my casual viewing of Psych on Hulu, totally different from SPN and Lost). I'm using the time to read real books, watch other media, sketch (less so over the past four weeks with grading and class prep distracting me), and hang out in the sunshine. On the other, I miss SPN and want to know what happens. And I've also fallen a bit out of the habit of posting here at LJ. I'm still around, but find I have less to say for the moment. I think I go back and forth between silent listening periods and times when I've got tons to say. Both are good. One is just way quieter than the other.

Speaking of not posting to LJ, my sis and are going to visit our parents in upstate NY for a couple weeks, flying out this morning. Nothing much to do there but read and go for long walks, all to the good. Hope to come back well-read, well-rested, with stories plotted out and everything. (Actually, my main concern is the doom-meta, which I can't quite figure out how to structure. Might have to bring to bear the revision strategies I've been foisting on my students. Shoe, meet other foot!)

I'll be away from LJ and e-mail the whole time, since it's not really a vacation if you're reloading pages all the time, and since I try to keep my fannish life private. So, hope everyone has a great end of August! Stay cool.

yay!, rl

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