Nov 12, 2020 14:00
I removed the alternator from the truck a little earlier and started disassembling the back of it.
Within minutes I was able to remove the back cover and was testing the diodes. This became a little disconcerting
because I was not finding any bad ones. I had done my due diligence before removing the alternator from the truck.
There are 2 ways to determine what is happening with an alternator. First if the engine is running and you
don't read 13.8 volts across the battery terminals there is a problem with the charging circuit and is most likely
the alternator. Second if you put your volt meter on AC voltage and again test on the battery terminals, with the
engine running there should read no AC voltage. If you do read AC voltage, it is likely you have a blown diode.
Alternators are not a really complicated device. They produce 3 phase AC before the diodes rectify it back to DC.
If one of the phases is not being converted to DC then the voltage will be low and there will be AC voltage at the battery.
This is exactly what I have happening. Now on further inspection, I noticed the manufacture had crimped loops of
wire to the diodes and the field coils and they were semi-spot welded. It is really hard to spot weld copper because
it is not like steel. It is softer and it corrodes differently. I think I am looking at just that problem.
I will know in an hour or so when I get it back in the truck.
A lot of people have said I should just go get a new alternator. Back when I was engineering, I probably
would have because I can get an alternator for around $80. When I was an engineer that was, even though on salary,
about my hourly wage 35 years ago. I am still a full time engineer but, conditions are different.
Engineers are kind of like Marines. There are no former Marines. " Once a Marine , always a Marine".. That is the
way I see Engineers. You never stop being an Engineer, you just at some point retire and stop getting paid to be
an Engineer. That is my classification now. I was annoyed having to work on the truck but, I enjoy learning new
things besides, I try not to be an active participant in this "Throw Away" society we now find ourselves in.
So, I will report my findings later today.. DM
the truck