Response to Hmmmm...

Aug 31, 2007 03:46

Glad to see you finally have access to the internet. As you said, yes I was having a one woman pity party and I do realize you are in the middle of the ocean. However, it isn't right or FAIR for you to go off about how I have your number when I left countless VMs for you to call me over and over. I called every weekend for a month, eight days at least thre or fours times a day, since that seemed to be the best time to get ahold of you. Averaged out realistically I would say that comes to TWENTY times over a 1 month period. I mean somewhere in the morass of your VM there should still be a message with me practically pleading for you to call me. Unless it took so long for you to be able to get reception or whatever that it just emptied itself or something. I TRIED E. I tried to get in touch with you. Yes, two posts before this was overly angry and unfair I understand that but you have to look at how long ago that was written. It's been almost 2 months. I came to the realization that I had been too hard on you and that of course it would be difficult for you to get ahoid of people as there aren't exactly cell phone towers in the middle of the ocean ON MY OWN nothing from my previous post came from anything anyone said except myself. And the question is who the hell are you even talking to to get ahold of me? travyller should have my number by now and if you'd call Meg or Melissa they could give it to you. I had no way of getting ahold of Alex or Heidi to give my number to them until recently. Sabrina and I rarely keep in touch as it is. And I'm not speaking to Amber anyway. I don't know how many more times I can say it or how many other ways...but I AM SORRY. Ok. Jeeze, yes I wind up making an ass out of myself in one way or another and have to apologize to you I get that ok. Obviously you have no idea what happened. I tried, I NEEDED to get ahold of you when some shit faced fucker decided to play games with me on your phone. Lirin died that day and I found Yaone eating her face...I was a little distraught and emotional and having somebody jerk me around when I couldn't get in touch with you anyway just fucked with my head even more. And then continuous calls and VMs to you that NEVER got answered what was I supposed to think? Ok, I jumped to conclusions, again which were obviously unfair and WRONG, and whether or not the misunderstanding was reasonable my reaction was not. I get it...a thousand times over I get it ok.

As to things going better, yeah ok.
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