Aug 31, 2010 06:15
[Filter: Private, in Atsirian]
It's so hard to believe that she broke his heart, like he says she did. It's not that I don't trust Joseph Eshene, but Karlesta Faedya seems so ... so sweet! And nice. I like her~
I like them all. Karlesta Faedya is very elegant, and Adrian Reliz is so interesting. Hee, I like his accent~ And Melyndra Destra ... she's as amazing as ever. There's just something about her that makes my skin tingle whenever I look into her eyes. I could just sit and listen to her talk about her Goddesses all the time.
But I believe Joseph, I do. He doesn't like any of them ... not even Melyndra Destra. He hasn't said so, but I can tell. I wonder why. Is it just because of what happened between him and Karlesta Faedya? That doesn't seem like him. It's so unreasonable! It's not their fault that something happened. ... if it did happen. That seems so hard to believe, even though I trust him ...
It's so confusing!
[Filter: Public, in Atsirian]
Karlesta Faedya! I want to have a lunch! Would you have a lunch with me~? You can bring some of the people you and Melyndra Destra have been talking with lately, if you want, and I'll bring some of my people, too! Wouldn't that be lovely~?