Apr 14, 2004 00:33
Lately I've been wondering, what is my birthday gonna be like this year? will it suck? will it be great? blah blah.... well it got me thinking to some of my more memorable birthdays...
One of my earliest ones that I can remember was when I was probably four or five... seeing that my dad was there.... well anyways, the only thing i can remember is this one game that we played, it was like pin the tail on the donkey, but instead put the crown on the princess. Me, being the big bad bday girl, had to win, but my Dad spun me around more than the other kids and i had no idea where i was, plus i have no sense of direction....well in the end i was not the winner, in fact i was on an entirely different wall. The fact that i did not get the freaking crown on the princesses head has plagued me to this day... i have a phobia of games involving blindfolds, like pin the tail and the pinata. Growing up in a predominantly hispanic area, being afraid of doin the pinata is not a good thing.
Of course all of us girls remember the birthdays where we had to wear those nice party dresses... well i hated them.
My 17th birthday was memorable as well, basically because of the people i was surrounded by. We went to dinner at Cheddar's, where they all got me a balloon bouquet, which was actually made by arturo ;), and we laughed our faces off the whole night. We concluded the night at my house where i guessed the one legged whore the first guess when we played charades (whoa am i good or what?). In addition, my brother was wearing his school uniform that said walter e. clarke middle on it and a guy that was there,reuben, thought his name was walter and called him that the whole night. well my brother's name is Patrick.
well anywho i will stop rambling and can already tell you that this bday is goin great and its only 23 minutes in woo hoo... sooooooo...
Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeee. :) night