Aug 29, 2009 16:52
so, a lot of things have been changing in my life as of late so I decided to start making some personal changes as well.
on September 1st, I quit smoking. I received my shipment of Nicoderm CQ in the mail today. this will be healthy for me and save me anywhere between $100-$125/month. total win-win situation.
on September 8th, I start the South Beach Diet. This one is going to be a little harder but I looked in the mirror the other day and didn't like the size I'm at currently. It has nothing to do with anyone's perceptions but my own. I'm a handsome guy. I just don't like me at this size. clothes don't fit right. It's affecting my posture. It's affecting my self esteem. This is not where I wanted to be physically at 38 so I'm changing it. If you can't be supportive, I don't want to hear it. I am also joining the gym at work. Already have a trainer and workout partner. I want to be slimmer when I go to visit my family and tribe in California in March.
I will be posting updates on lj on my progress. I am doing this for myself. it has nothing to do with things people have said to me or thinking this will get me a boyfriend. that's bullshit. this is where my road to being a better person is taking me. I need to quit lying to myself that I'm still 25 and thin. I need to quit lying to myself period. So I'm on the bandwagon, folks. either come along for the ride or I'll see you at the end of the journey.