Yay For No More Classes!

May 02, 2006 13:21

Well, yesterday was the last day of classes! YAY! I'm so excited! Now all I have to do is live through finals, and I'll be home by Sunday evening! I can't wait! I'll be home before everyone else, but at least I get an early start on finding a job and signing up for summer classes. Last night was sooo much fun! The SING Alliance Party was definitely what I needed after these last few weeks of class. It was held at a local Gymnastics place with trampolines, rings, mats, and balance beams. It was a blast! I nearly got thrown off the trampoline a few times due to Chris and Brandon double jumping me, but I always got saved before I went flying off, so thank God for that! LOL! It was a lot of fun! We even ran through the show again, which amazed me considering I remembered all the moves. Not everyone was there yet, including my couples partner, Brandon, but it was still amazing! It was so great to see everyone again! Especially those people that I hadn't seen since SING finished. It's so sad to know that we won't be seeing our senior friends like Lauren, Kristin, and Karen again. It definitely won't be the same without them! :.( As great as last night was, I'm a little soar. Sad I know, but I fell on my back on the trampoline, and my legs went flying over my head. It was fun until I woke up this morning. Oh, well... it's only a matter of time before I get over the pain. After the SING party I went to Brandon's house with Chris and we watched Moulin Rouge. I thought about not going, but seeing as it's now one of my favorite movies I couldn't resist. We tried to get Paige to come along, but she was the responsible one who went to bed and got up early to start studying. I should follow her example more often. But watching the movie was fun since Chris hadn't seen it before and decided to make a few comments that I found funny.

These last 2 weeks had been crazy with getting essays turned in and last minute exams. It was also filled with nights of watching Enterprise with the boys and some of their friends. I'm definitely going to miss those two this summer. We always have so much fun together,even if we are being nerds. Oh,well... there's always next year I guess...

My first final is Thursday. Then I have two on Friday and I will be finished with my last one Saturday at 4pm. Then it's packing time, and my dad will be here to get me on Sunday! YAY! I kinda wish this week would go by faster.

Well, that is all for now. "Back to studying" time! YAY! (NOT!) Hope everyone has a good last week of classes, and Good luck with y'alls finals! Take care all and God bless!

<3 Danielle
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