... and I'm going back tomorrow. ^__^ Part of me wants to stay longer. Say, for a day or two. But I guess my desire to go back to Hong Kong is larger than my desire to stay here. (:
I've never been the person to go to if one needs comforting. Advice? Maybe. Comforting? No. But for some reason, some still tend to look for me when they're in trouble or blah. Even for the second, third time and more. Although I'd willingly be there to listen, to lend a shoulder if needed, I never know what to say to them. It always makes me feel really bad. And being the kind of person I am, I feel that I really am that useless. Doesn't pessimism piss you off sometimes. And being a pessimist and a person with extremely low self-esteem, trust me, sometimes, it does piss me off. A lot. But heck, I can't just suddenly turn optimistic in a day.
I really want to say, "it's okay". But sometimes, it really is not okay even though the situation isn't catastrophic. But, if I don't say "it's okay", I have no idea what to say. I tend to just be silent and listen. Or just sit there. Then I start to feel bad/useless etc. D:
Also, sometimes, "it's okay" isn't what people want to hear. People like me. I guess it also depends on who says it. Sometimes, it somehow makes me feel better, but I still know that it isn't really okay. Why say it? And what should I say to those who come to me seeking comfort? I have no idea.
And I guess the same goes for when people say “I'm sorry” when they hear that someone close to you died. Heck. They don't even know the person. -__- I know it's a form of politeness and all that, but seriously. DDD:
Christina tagged me with this on Facebook. But it isn't the right time to post this there yet. I'm only posting this here because I know I've only given this blog url to people who I trust. I hope they haven't given it to anyone else. DD: And I won't be naming names here. In case some people who I don't want to read this reads this. Hahahaha. I no longer make any more sense.
- Longest relationship
- Shortest relationship :
Ahaha it wasn't really one. More like.. 2 weeks and we decided we're better off as friends.
- How many girlfriends/boyfriends have said “i love you” to you and meant it?
- Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry ?
- Are you happier single or in a relationship ?
i think... relationship.
- Have you ever been cheated on ?
We weren't together any more then, so, no.
- What is your favourite thing about the opposite sex?
eh? they're not as ma fan... idk how to say. COMPLICATED. D: less manoeuvring around with things/words, less back stabbing, etc etc. D:
- Have you ever had your heart broken?
- Have you ever broken someone’s heart ?
No. I.. hope I haven't.
- Talk to any of your exes ?
Kieran? yes. D: >< he's not so much my ex though. -_- it wasn't much of a relationship. anikiiiiiiii~
- Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend ?
LOL. everyone can BELIEVE that they are. it's not for me to say (:
- Have you dated people who were not good to you ?
no.. ish. D:
- Have you been in an abusive relationship ?
no. (zomg. nishikido ryo as oikawa sousuke. DV man... D:)
- Have you ever dated someone older than you ?
er yes? Lol.
- Do you regret anything that you have done with an ex- boyfriend or girlfriend?
Nope. Cos we didn't do anything.
- Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance ?
Depends. Sometimes not really.
- Believe in love at first sight ?
Used to. Now, not so much.
- Ever dated two people at once ?
no. nevar.
- Do you want to get married ?
mebbe. when the time's right.
- Do you have something to say to any of your exes ?
I'd say please please please get well soon. except it's not quite possible. D: So.. take care of yourself ><
- Ever stolen someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend ?
- Ever liked someone else’s boyfriend or girlfriend ?
- Do you still have feelings for any of your exes ?
Nope. He's.. more like a brother (:
- Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds ?
I think yes. ><
- Do you remember the person you first kissed ?
- Have you ever kissed someone you weren’t dating ?
- Ever kissed an ex after you broke up ?
I'd never kiss him. LOL.
- Have you kissed anyone in your friends list ?
hahaha friends list on LJ? Nope.
- Ever cheated on someone ?
- Kissed someone with a gf/bf that wasn’t you ?
- Have you ever kissed someone you didn’t like ?
I’ve kissed/been kissed by someone:
[x] on the cheek
[x] on the forehead
[x] on the nose
[x] on the lips
[x] with tongue
[x] in your room
[ ] in the park
[x] in public
[ ] on a ride
[ ] in a closet
[ NO.. and ew gross? ] while chewing gum
[x] at the movies
[ ] out of the state
[ ] spin the bottle
[ ] on a bench
[x] upside down
[x] sitting on their lap
[x] laying down
[ ] in a car
[ ] in broad daylight
[ ] at a fair/festival
[x] at night
[ ] at a bar/club
Last kiss questions!
-The last time you kissed someone ?
Few days ago.
- Was it a game ? (truth or dare, spin the bottle, etc.)?
Nope. (: <3
- Do you regret this kiss ?
No. (:
- How many people know about the kiss ?
Us? And now ppl who read this? O.o