Oct 08, 2009 22:59
... has changed!
I felt like something needed changing. Haha.
I wish I actually got myself to make a layout over the summer. I don't really like this one too much, but too late now, too busy with work :(
Actually, I'm not that busy YET. Just. As usual, can't be arsed to. Hehehe... Especially now that I don't have dreamweaver. Or stuff like that. I need to see what it looks like firstttt...
Seattle's getting cold. Actually, I lied. Today was warmer than yesterday. But tomorrow will be colder than today. I'm SO glad I don't have school on Saturday morning... it will be FREEZING *shivers* like... 3 degrees. Celsius of course.
Thanksgiving trip is figured out! I will go out of the country muahaha. Note to self: get your visa signed!
I'm actually ahead in homework :D I'm sure this temporary habit will go away soon. ROFL.
I hope calc III (multi-vars calc) won't run me over. :( Like compsci did :( BUT I hope my 3 other subjects will balance that drop in GPA out :D:D:D:D
Yay for taking music theory that's WAY too easy for me... it's on like... stuff I knew 10 years ago. Actually, make that 12... -o- Scales? Really? Sigh......
Japanese is funnn.... but, I'm pretty sure I will die. Soon. I can't really differentiate between long vowels and stuff like that T_T *dies* kitte, kite and kiite sounds... almost the same... unless they're really stressed. SIGH. :( I ish failz. ORZ.
Stats... is easy so far. Just need a little studying. I probably should start reading my textbook. We're on chapter 3 or 4.... and I haven't been reading anything from the textbook... OOPS :P
Math... is easy SO FAR. I think it will get harder... starting tomorrow. *dies*
I should go to bed now XD;;;;