START HERE: What this place is and how it works (updated version!)

Aug 31, 2009 03:54


It's 1986 -- or, that's what's all over newspapers and calendars, mixed among words in a language no one can read, in buildings that give clues that they haven't been occupied recently enough for anyone to change over the calendar or receive a new newspaper.

Yet they're not in decay -- the paint is not yet peeling, the architecture not yet failing. It is still easy to imagine someone might come back tomorrow and resume the life they appear to have packed up and abandoned in a hurry.

This is where we live now.

We woke up, one day, to these birdless skies, to this city so like so many of our homes but so strangely silent. So strangely empty.

We are walled in here. Maybe these people, whose homes and resources we are forced to take... maybe they're trying to contain something here, something we can't imagine. Maybe that's why they were running.

Or maybe they were running from us.

QUICK RUNDOWN OF WHAT'S COMING IN THIS POST: In an abandoned city, fictional, human characters from fandoms of all sorts of times and Earthly places interact in a leisurely-paced game with a loose timeline, openness to different styles of gameplay, and only crazy events of a mostly weather-themed kind.


Destinik is an abandoned city inspired by the real-life abandoned city of Prypiat, Ukraine. About six months before the first of these transplanted people arrived, the population of Destinik evacuated in a hurry. In their homes and offices there's closets thrown open, half-packed suitcases left behind, food rotting away in refrigerators. At the edges of the city there are high walls characters won't be able to find their way over and there is no visible doorway of any sort -- someone is trying very hard to either keep people out or keep something in.

It's a city, mostly commercial, and it is not too difficult to survive if your character can learn to abandon their ideas of property and civil behavior, assuming they had any such ideas in the first place -- on the other side of windows and doors waiting to be broken down one can find food -- canned goods, especially -- that have not spoiled or gone stale, clothing people left behind, beds to sleep in. And they don't have to go it alone -- there are the others like them here, and skills can be shared to better all of you... or to take advantage of you. Who can say for certain?

Your character arrives in good health. They're wearing what they would consider to be their everyday clothes regardless of what they were in when they disappeared, and have on them whatever they'd be carrying on an everyday basis. They are no longer in possession of any superhuman abilities they might've previously possessed. Phone lines are down and cell phones get no reception. Things like radios and TVs can get weak signals, but they're still in that language no one around is familiar with. Things like power, water, and gas are available in some parts of the city, though prone to long outages and potentially dangerous from lack of maintenance.


Characters arriving in the city must fit the following requirements:

  • Be from an already established, professional created fandom (no original characters) and not be real people.
  • Be human.
  • Be represented by a live human.
  • Have lived on Earth where history up until 1986 was, as far as appearances go, the same as we know it.
  • Be able to speak English -- either canonically or can be reasonably assumed to possibly know it.
They can be from any time, alive or dead.


All roleplay at destinik should be written in third-person prose. Dialogue is written out within quotations, actions are plain written out and not expressed in *asterisks* or anything similar, basic rules of English grammar apply. Characters may not god-mode (describe the future actions of other characters -- for example, if your character says or does something to another character, you cannot say how the other character reacts to that in your post) or canon puncture (reveal that they or any other characters are, indeed, characters -- suspension of disbelief is expected to avoid this).

They should be played in character. Basically... the goal is to play them so they reasonably appear to have been the person they were in the stor(ies) they come from. People are complicated, and situations such as the stressful one our characters find themselves in do change people -- characters can very likely act differently than they did in every day life as we know them, but it is our challenge as roleplayers to make these seem like reasonable developments. For the inevitable topic of attractions and relationships, this goes for sexual orientation also -- people can be attracted to others in ways they didn't realize or didn't admit to in canon, however, if it contradicts what we have already seen, this must be reasonably explained or shown to be a development of character.

Be respectful to other players, even if your/their characters aren't! Remember it's only a game!

Every once in a while, the mods will declare the weather in the city, affecting all new posts after the announcement, so before you make a new post, check the latest weather post. Unlike other survival-type games, Destinik doesn't really have CRAZED DEMONS TO ATTACK YOU IN YOUR SLEEP and unlike some crackier RPGs we don't have GENDER-SWITCH DAY! but we do have INTENSE RAINSTORMS OF DOOM and POWER OUTAGES OF RAAAAGE and you'll want to know about those.

New posts should have a header specifying the following:

WHO: Your character's name and if the post was planned out in advance for a particular pair or group of characters, all of those people.
WHERE: Where the post is initially taking place. We have a map and you can specify which/near which number on the map they are.
TIME OF DAY:  Self-explanatory.
POST SUMMARY: A quick one or two sentence explanation of what the initial post is about, or, for interactions that you've planned out, what is going to happen.
POST STYLE: Specify how you'd like or allow people to respond. Consider the following: do you want this to be a post between your character and a predetermined other (or group) and no one else? If not, do you want more than one person to respond? If more than one person responds, how would you like the third (and so on?) participants to join in -- should they all just have separate one-on-one conversations with your character, or should they have to join in on the conversation already happening? Be specific and be polite -- invite whatever feels right for you, your character, and the purpose of the conversation(s) if you have one in mind.

TAGS. When you first make a new post: Choose *open or *closed -- "open" means that (in the way(s) you specify in "post style") you don't care who joins in. "Closed" means that the post is only supposed to be between your character and such-and-such other characters -- basically, it is meant to be a private uninterrupted conversation. Choose the number of the building(s) from the map that the post takes place in. Choose the name of your character.

When replying to someone else's post: Edit the main post's tags to add your character's name in. That's it. If the location changes in the course of the post, add any other applicable building numbers in.

GOT IT? If you have any questions about things not mentioned here or clarification about things in this post, you can message deserted_mod or e-mail us at I WANT TO APPLY!
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