Here is the photo album of my trip to Ruidoso/surprise trip from Jason:,del%253as,1%253af,0"
(There is a beautiful picture of Sarah and a few with the ladies... the rest was with Jason! Oh, AND, this was a small group picture. Everyone else was downstairs and sadly we were unable to get into a group for a true actual group picture)
Trip to Sandia:"
Isn't the room and scenery GORGEOUS?!
That posted, I had a divine moment with God last night. It was simply amazing and unexpected. I went to small group out of obedience and interest. I mean I wanted to be there and I knew that the Holy Spirit told me to go, but I wasn't expecting the divine God moment I had. I'm still unsure of all that shifted, but I know that a lot did.
One key moment I had was the realization that God was preparing me for dad's death and suicide. Two weeks before he died I was at my final small group before summer 'kicked in' and Justin told everyone that he'd be more then happy to pray for anyone. I just knew that I needed prayer. It wasn't a powerful prayer moment and it wasn't even something I remembered until last night. I sobbed - literally sobbed - because God showed me that I wasn't deaf/dumb/blind. No, he didn't tell me what was going to happen, but he was preparing/protecting my heart, spirit, and mind for what was about to happen. He did that by calling me towards him in prayer, fasting, and for others praying for me. I didn't know why (I thought I did at the time, but I was wrong) and neither did they, but prayer still happened. I just felt so protected and non rebelious/lost at that moment. I wish that I could explain it better, but I can't seem to. All I can say is that it was very very powerful.
And, it seems that God is dealing with my trust issues. I didn't really realize that I had them, but last night it became evident that I do.
I just can't wait to see a sunset/sunrise once again.