Football season has started with the Lions 1-0. This makes me happy. There were a lot of good games yesterday.
I also introduced
desert_sdwndr to the "Football on your Phone" commercial by the Manning boys. Good times.
The actual nomination planning post is up in yuletide, so I'm going to read that tomorrow. No time today because I slept too late (due to not being able to fall asleep, grrr)
First week of class with assignments turned in, so we will see how the grading went. A little nervous. One, since it's Women's Studies, they want APA format and that gives me a headache. Even using the Purdue OWL site, it's still painful. Chicago/Turabian may be complicated, but I a) am used to it and b) have citation types saved. However, definitely enjoying the conversations in class.
Also: has anyone seen any Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon) icons about anywhere on LJ? I need one.