It seems kind of petty but I like reading on my Kindle better than on the iPad Kindle app. One of the things I love about the Kindle is that it's easier to travel around the house doing chores, such as laundry, and continue reading. I try to keep the iPad away from a lot of stuff, so not as fun. On the other hand, the iPad lights up.
Day 03 - Best free book on your Kindle. What sources do you get them from?
First, let's talk about sources. The free stuff on Amazon is good - they have a variety of top-100 lists sorted into paid and free, and the stuff that was published before 1928. Project Gutenberg has also been fun, although a lot of it is available on Amazon for ease of download. I also have a bunch of stuff from Baen CDs that I'll have to reload when I get a new Kindle. Some stuff I just find in random places, or am tipped off about by friends.
I love all the free series aimed at teens/children (many of them produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate), to the point where some of them I continued reading even when I was having to track down vintage hardcovers for them. They, however, are a question for another day.
Leaving aside all the stuff that I had read in dead tree form long before it came to the Kindle (and yes, I still have some of my printed versions of stuff on the Kindle because I am book-obsessive like that), I would have to pick LM Montgomery's The Golden Road. Of course, as those who followed the 30 days of books meme know, I'm a huge fan of Anne Shirley, and while the rest of Montgomery's writing hasn't always thrilled me, these ones really pulled me in. Anne is actually mentioned a few times, but she is not the focus. Instead, this book has the Story Girl, who has some very Anne-ish qualities, but is her own character. I just love how the words flow together in the book, even if there is definitely some stuff that gets reworked into different works by Montgomery.
One of my highlights:
"But it is getting cold and Cecily is coughing. Let us go in."
"You haven't told my fortune," protested Cecily disappointedly.
The Story Girl looked very tenderly at Cecily-at the smooth little brown head, at the soft, shining eyes, at the cheeks that were often over-rosy after slight exertion, at the little sunburned hands that were always busy doing faithful work or quiet kindnesses. A very strange look came over the Story Girl's face; her eyes grew sad and far-reaching, as if of a verity they pierced beyond the mists of hidden years. "I couldn't tell any fortune half good enough for you, dearest," she said, slipping her arm round Cecily. "You deserve everything good and lovely. But you know I've only been in fun-of course I don't know anything about what's going to happen to us."
"Perhaps you know more than you think for," said Sara Ray, who seemed much pleased with her fortune and anxious to believe it, despite the husband who wouldn't go to church.
"But I'd like to be told my fortune, even in fun," persisted Cecily.
"Everybody you meet will love you as long as you live." said the Story Girl. "There that's the very nicest fortune I can tell you, and it will come true whether the others do or not, and now we must go in." We went, Cecily still a little disappointed.
In later years I often wondered why the Story Girl refused to tell her fortune that night. Did some strange gleam of foreknowledge fall for a moment across her mirth-making? Did she realize in a flash of prescience that there was no earthly future for our sweet Cecily? Not for her were to be the lengthening shadows or the fading garland. The end was to come while the rainbow still sparkled on her wine of life, ere a single petal had fallen from her rose of joy. Long life was before all the others who trysted that night in the old homestead orchard; but Cecily's maiden feet were never to leave the golden road.
Day 04 - Best paid book on your Kindle
Day 05 - Your favorite series on your Kindle
Day 06 - A book on your Kindle that makes you happy
Day 07 -Most underrated book on your Kindle
Day 08 - Kindle title you didn’t think you would enjoy as much as you did
Day 09 - Kindle title you probably would not have bought in “real book” form (not counting the vast amount of free stuff)
Day 10 - Favorite classic book on your Kindle
Day 11 - Favorite author on your Kindle
Day 12 - Favorite Kindle title that is also on your bookshelf
Day 13 - Kindle title you wish you had never bought or downloaded
Day 13 - Favorite “genre” fiction title on your Kindle (SF/F, romance, Westerns, etc)
Day 14 - Tell us about one of your favorite romantic couples inhabiting your Kindle (not necessarily IN a romance novel)
Day 15 - Favorite male character (on your Kindle)
Day 16 - Favorite female character (on your Kindle)
Day 17 - Favorite family on your Kindle
Day 18 - Do you use the My Clippings feature on the Kindle? If so, share one with us.
Day 19 - Favorite book turned into a movie (on your Kindle)
Day 20 - Favorite children’s book (on your Kindle)
Day 21 - Favorite cooking or food related book on your Kindle
Day 22 - Title on your Kindle you most frequently recommend to people
Day 23 -Kindle title you can’t believe was actually published
Day 24 - A Kindle title you have wanted to read for a long time but still haven’t
Day 25 - A Kindle title that you wish more people would read
Day 26 - Favorite non-fiction title on your Kindle
Day 27 - A Kindle title that changed your opinion about something
Day 28 - Favorite title (of a book on your Kindle)
Day 29 - Book you read on your Kindle so no one can see you reading it
Day 30 - Your most favorite Kindle title