I've been neglecting my LJ hardcore as of late. And that sucks, because the one or two people who actually read this journal insist that my entries are interesting or something. And if I'm not updating, then I guess by extension I'm letting them down. So, people who read my journal: I present you with... A Guide To What I've Been Doing Instead Of Updating 'Morceau de DMC Kafka de l'Internet' or whatever it is I call my blog:
1. Playing dress-up in Gaia Online.
So some friends of mine convinced me to set up an account on
Gaia Online, and I've been trying to give my character some ultra-stylin' Ice Cream-style clothes because Pharrell Williams' bombastic ridiculousness is my obsession flavour-of-the-moment. Also, a 13-year-old girl from Georgia put me on her friends list. I am officially beyond creeped out.
2. Losing badly at multiplayer FPS games.
I thought "y'know, it's been ages since I played a real FPS", so I decided to play me some Counter-Strike: Source. And I played for an hour without getting a single kill. So then I tried out Half-Life 2 deathmatch and pretty much got the same results. Why did I not suck this much previously? I mean, I know I'm out of practise, but these are FPS games for chrissakes!
'WASD to move, mouse to shoot' isn't exactly rocket science.
3. Researching screen-printing and other such things related to clothing production.
If Pharrell can make horrid ugly shirts and get rich assholes to pay hundreds for them, why can't I make non-hideous clothes and sell them for minimum profit? Well, I'm finding out a very long and comprehensive list of reasons why. But the idea of having hand-made D.C.W.H. certified/Sue*B. T-shirts and hats is still one that I don't want to let go of entirely... I'm sure I'll eventually find some way to make it work. And there's no shortage of local galleries that might, just might, be willing to give my designs a try if I ever get around to actually, y'know, designing them...
4. Listening to MOSAIC.WAV's We Love "AKIBA-POP"!! album non-stop. Like, seriously non-stop.
By all means, We Love "AKIBA-POP"!! is horrible. At its best it sounds like the auditory equivalent of a lobotomy sans sedatives, and you don't have to know much Japanese to figure out that the lyrics are some of the dumbest ever written. But for some reason I can't stop listening to it - particularly the epic (and nonsensically titled) 'Moe spiral! Akibattler "/"', which I hereby dub the opening theme to the best anime never made. Which you can hear
here. At your own risk, of course.
(Additional note for Seth: MOSAIC.WAV's style of music is referred to as 'denpa' in Japan, and denpa got its start in eroge. Or 'bushijo games' as you like to call them. Thought you might find that tidbit interesting/amusing/horrifying.)
5. Actually leaving the house.
Not for very long, and not very often, but I have (sort of) been venturing outside my front door lately. So... Go me?