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Re: Okay, so I wrote 4 pages of review for this part. |D I'm sorry if I've repeated myself at all. desert_neon June 6 2011, 08:34:33 UTC
Oh my goodness! So much to reply too! :D

That's the lovely thing about fanfiction, isn't it? You start off already half-invested in these people, so it's an even lovelier read from the get-go! (And I've a few people who have read this who don't know The Used well, and I find that sad, because it's very often because they are painted as total villains in MCR fic, which isn't necessarily true. People make mistakes, and we don't even know what happened all those years ago. But I digress.) Thank you for the lovely compliments to the writing. <3

Thank you! Yes, Gerard is sticking his head in the sand a little, because he just wants so badly for things to be going well. And who wants to believe badly of their long-term SO?

I'll be honest, my take on cheating isn't quite as cut-and-dried as yours is, but I definitely respect your opinion! I think it can be a little more complicated than that though, because people are only human, and they don't always recognize their thoughts or actions for what they truly are. I tend to come down on the side of the cheated-on, of course, and I'm not sure how I would handle it if it happened to me, but I think I would probably kick the person out. But in fiction, particularly this one, I struggled to make Bert more 3D than just "villainous cheater." He has his fucked up reasons in his fucked up little head, even if they aren't good ones.

But you're right, it is ugly, no matter what, and I'm glad I was able to capture that for you. It makes me proud that I was able to make you feel so much (though I never meant to make your stomach ache!) Thank you.

I think that's a lovely way of looking at it actually. Bert 'verse Gerard is slowly coming to terms with what's happening, rather than it being thrust upon him, and that has to be healthier for his mental state. If he learns the lesson slowly, he's less likely to forgive and forget. I understand exactly what you're saying. And you're quite right. :)

Thank you. I often feel that I don't get into the characters' brains, but that they get into mine until I've told their story. That's how fully formed they are to me. :)

Oh, Quinn. He has his reasons. Not gonna lie, his character, though relatively minor, holds a place in my heart. He might not be doing the right thing, but I feel for him. You'll get more on him later! And Jepha! He's just . . . Jepha. Loyal to his friends and a little bit uncaring about the situation. He's mostly amused by Bert having to scramble to cover his tracks sometimes.

Lol! I'm glad you did mention the childhood romance with Jamia! I'm very pleased you liked it. That part is definitely very much in the movie, so I can't take full credit. :)

Gee does like him, but he's trying so hard to be cautious. He knows people don't just fall like he does. He has to remember that Frank's in this too, and he needs to be careful. once burned, twice shy and all that.

Lmao! Frank and his cheesy, faily awesomeness!


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Re: Okay, so I wrote 4 pages of review for this part. |D I'm sorry if I've repeated myself at all. desert_neon June 7 2011, 02:05:44 UTC
I find that's true (about the wives and such) with the younger fans. But I really don't like when it makes for bad writing. I'm kind of a snob like that. Lol. That's why I was so careful with Bert, and Quinn, really.

And, omg, you're not in the minority at all, honey. I think most people find it's the lying and the sneaking that hurt so badly. It's why open relationships are on the rise, or why some people take the cheaters back, because they admitted it up front.

Yay for shared fictional anguish! It makes me happy and proud to know that I made someone feel, you know?

I think there will be lots of Jepha in the codas, because we did not see him get to be all amused whenever Bert was lamenting his life. Lol.

Thanks again, so much, for all the comments. You have been super amazing and awesome!


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Re: I am so behind on all of these comments. lmao desert_neon June 7 2011, 02:22:01 UTC
LMAO! You don't have to reply, you know! It's okay to stop anytime you feel it's all been said!

I am so a snob about bad!fics. And not just in my head. Lol.

You should see Jepha's equal in the movie. Basically Russell laughs his way through the entire film. It's GREAT! That's what I want for Jepha. :D


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Re: I am so behind on all of these comments. lmao desert_neon June 7 2011, 04:12:19 UTC
I think you're better at than you think you are, although I certainly will take the compliment that you read my whole story!

Russell seriously is the best. I want to write all his scenes but for Jepha. And you should watch! I adore the guy who plays Frank's character!


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